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On Tuesday, July 6, the City of Stamford’s full Board of Representatives voted 33-1 to return a proposed dog tethering ordinance back to its Legislative and Rules Committee for consideration of additional input by residents and fellow board members.  Video of the meeting can be viewed here.  Discussion of the proposed tethering ordinance, LR30.103, starts at 2 hours and 20 minutes into the meeting.  One resident requested three additional changes to the proposal.

AKC’s POSITION ON TETHERING:  The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognizes that tethering is a practical and humane method for training and restraining dogs in a variety of circumstances. Dogs should never be tethered in a manner that could cause harm to them. Tethering is a common and responsible way to restrain dogs that do not respond well to other restraints (such as escape artists), or participate in activities that require acclimatization such as hunting, sledding and/or other obedience and performance events. Tethering may also be a responsible and appropriate option for handling dogs that are service dogs such as seeing eye dogs, dogs in training, and dogs that are being groomed or examined on a table. AKC opposes arbitrary restrictions on tethering, which can undermine the wellbeing of dogs, responsible dog ownership, and safe training and recreational activities.

BACKGROUND: AKC and others testified at a June 22 meeting of the Legislative and Rules Committee, expressing concerns with the proposed ban on tethering a dog outside unless the owner or keeper was outside and the dog in view.  (Click here to read AKC’s previous alert.)  In response, the committee adopted an exception to allow an “owner or keeper to tether, fasten, chain or tie a dog no longer than necessary for the person to complete a temporary task that requires the dog to be restrained for a reasonable period of time.”  This amended proposal was forwarded to the full Board of Representatives for a vote on July 6.  Instead of voting on the proposal, the Board returned it to the Legislative and Rules Committee for further consideration.

WHAT YOU CAN DO:  The Legislative and Rules Committee is scheduled to next meet virtually on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, starting at 7pm.  A link to watch the meeting will be shared on the committee’s agenda when posted.  Dog owners impacted by the proposal should submit their comments prior to this meeting via email to  In the subject line, include “LR30.103 Dog Control” and identify whether you are a Stamford, Connecticut, resident.

AKC Government Relations (GR) will provide additional information as developments warrant.  For more information, contact AKC GR at