The Puerto Rico Senate Health and Nutrition Commission will hold a public hearing on P.S. 1631 on Tuesday, June 21.
P.S. 1631 would mandate the sterilization of all dogs in Puerto Rico, which punishes responsible owners and dog breeders and could endanger a dog’s health, while doing nothing to address the true issue.
Talking Points:
- Read AKC’s alert and talking points on this issue (Leer en español aqui)
- Read AKC’s blog on this issue
- View a video created by Puerto Rico dog clubs and owners on why this proposal is bad for Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico residents, dog owners, and those who participate in Puerto Rico dog shows are urged to contact the commission members and if possible attend the hearing on Tuesday:
Public Hearing Information:
Senate Health and Nutrition Commission
Tuesday, June 21, 2016, 1:00 pm
Salón Leopoldo Figueroa
Puerto Rico Capital Building – San Juan, Puerto Rico
Contact Information for the Commission:
Hon. Jose L. Dalmau Santiago, Vice President
Tel: 787-724-2030, ext. 2356, 2357, 2359
Hon Luis D. Rivera Filomeno
Tel: 787-724-2030, ext. 2928, 2929, 2931
Hon. Jose R. Nadal Power
Tel: 787-724-2030, ext. 2000, 2396, 2877
Hon. Angel R. Rosa Rodriguez
Tel: 787-724-2030, ext. 2006, 2400, 2401
Hon. Angel Martinez Santiago
Tel: 787-724-2030, ext. 2762, 2757
The Puerto Rico Senate Health and Nutrition Commission will hold a public hearing on P.S. 1631 on Tuesday, June 21. P.S. 1631 would mandate the sterilization of all dogs in Puerto Rico, which punishes responsible owners and dog breeders and could endanger a dogs health, while doing nothing to address the true issue. Puerto Rico residents, dog owners, and those who participate in Puerto Rico dog shows are urged to contact the commission members and if possible attend the hearing on Tuesday.