California Senate Bill 250 passed yesterday by the bare minimum of 21 votes needed. Senators Negrete McLeod, Oropeza, Pavley, Wolk, Wright and Yee changed their votes from abstentions on Monday to support the bill on Tuesday. Senators Ducheny and Simitian abstained and Senator Correa joined the Republicans in voting “No.”
The author agreed to amendments, including exempting working and farm dogs and allowing a dog a single exemption for the first time it is caught at-large. However, the text of these amendments is not yet available so we do not know exactly how they will work. As soon as detailed information is available we will update our website.
If you live in the district of Senators Ducheny, Simitian, Correa or any of the Republican members, please thank them for their support in opposing Senate Bill 250. It is important that we acknowledge our appreciation for those legislators who supported responsible dog owners and breeders. AKC thanks all the fanciers, concerned dog owners and responsible breeders who worked on this important legislation. We look forward to working with you again once the bill is taken up by the State Assembly.
California Senate Bill 250 passed yesterday by the bare minimum of 21 votes needed. Senators…