Tuesday, March 7, 2023
On Thursday, March 9, 2023, the Minnesota Senate Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee is scheduled to consider Senate File 1317, a bill that seeks to restrict consumers’ freedom of choice in pets by restricting pet stores from selling purpose-bred dogs. The American Kennel Club (AKC) strongly opposes legislation that seeks to limit retail sales to dogs sourced solely from retail rescue distributors. All Minnesota residents are encouraged to contact the committee members and respectfully urge them to not approve SF 1317.
- SF 1317 is a Minnesota version of 2023 legislation introduced in other states (CT, FL, HI, KY, and TX, among others), which demonstrates that SF 1317 does not address Minnesota-specific issues but is part of a national legislative agenda seeking seeks to shut down the most regulated dog breeding practices by forcing pet shops to sell dogs sourced only from retail rescue sources.
- By restricting sources of pets sold at pet stores, SF 1317 would effectively eliminate state consumer protections for pet purchasers. Minnesota’s puppy purchaser protection laws do not apply to sales by humane societies, nonprofits performing the functions of humane societies, or animal control agencies.
- SF 1317 is anti-business, as it would disparately impact pet shops that sell purpose-bred dogs, as it does not require humane societies, animal control agencies, rescues, or other nonprofits to supply stores with pets to sell.
- A better, less onerous alternative would be to require pet shops to adhere to appropriate care standards and prohibit them from purchasing animals from any breeder that has been found to have committed a direct violation of USDA animal welfare regulations or three or more indirect violations of USDA regulations related to the health or welfare of an animal in the last two years. Such safeguards would not only protect animal welfare but also preserve consumer choice and businesses in Minnesota.
Click here to learn more about the issue of Pet Choice on AKC’s Legislative Action Center.
Minnesota residents are strongly encouraged to contact the members of the Senate Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee. Using the talking points above, urge them to oppose SF 1317. Send emails of opposition to Committee Administrator Bill Lunzer at bill.lunzer@senate.mn by 1PM tomorrow, Wednesday, March 8.
To testify in person at the hearing, please email bill.lunzer@senate.mn by 1 p.m. on March 8. In your email, include the bill number, your name, title and/or organization, and whether your testimony will be in support of or opposition to the bill. Please provide 15 copies of any handouts in .pdf format when you testify. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 1230PM on Thursday, March 9, in Room G-15 of the Capitol, 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Boulevard., St. Paul, Minnesota 55155.
Individual committee members may be contacted as follows:
Senator Matt D. Klein, Chair
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Senator Julie Seeberger, Vice Chair – BILL SPONSOR
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Senator Gary H. Dahms, Ranking Minority Member
Senator Zack Duckworth
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Senator Nick A. Frentz
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Senator Jeff R. Howe
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Senator Ron Latz
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Senator Jordan Rasmusson
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Senator Melisssa H. Wiklund
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Senator Tou Xiong – BILL SPONSOR
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AKC Government Relations (GR) will continue to provide updates on SF 1317 and other Minnesota legislation impacting dogs as developments warrant. For more information, contact AKC GR at doglaw@akc.org.