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The Illinois House and Senate continue to consider bills that would limit pet stores to sourcing dogs and cats only from shelters and rescues that have no affiliation with breeders.

Yesterday, the House Consumer Protection Committee passed House Bill 1711, but there was a verbal commitment to negotiate on amendments prior to bringing the bill to a vote by the full House of Representatives.

On Thursday, March 18, the Senate Agriculture Committee will consider identical Senate Bill 1709.

These bills would restrict pet choice and consumer protection. They also imply that breeders should not be involved in rescue efforts.  For more information and talking points, view AKC’s previous alert.

How You Can Help:

It is essential that both the Illinois House of Representatives and the Senate Agriculture Committee hear from Illinois residents.

Ask them:

  1. To not support these bills; and
  2. To work with all impacted stakeholders on amendments prior to advancing the bills further:

For House Bill 1711 – Contact your State Representative and ask them not  to support the bill as it is currently written.

To find the name and contact information for your Representative, visit the AKC Legislative Action Center (, scroll down to the “Find Officials” box on the right side, and put in your zip code.

For Senate Bill 1709 – Do the following prior to the hearing on Thursday, March 18:

  • Submit an online witness slip – Even if you do not plan to testify, it is important for the committee to see Illinois residents who are opposed to the bill. Visit the online hearing web page, scroll down to Senate Bill 1709, click the pencil icon, and follow the instructions to file a witness slip.
  • Contact the committee members before the March 18 hearing – Be sure to mention if you are an Illinois resident, and if you are a constituent of a committee member. Use the form provided or the contact information below:
    Patrick J. Joyce, Chair (Essex)
    (217) 782-7419

    David Koehler, Vice Chair (Peoria)

(217) 782-8250

Darren Bailey, Minority Spokesperson (Louisville)
(217) 782-6674

Scott M. Bennett (Urbana)
(217) 782-2507
Bill Cunningham (Chicago)

(217) 782-5145

Laura Ellman (Naperville)
(217) 782-8192
Linda Holmes (Aurora)
(217) 782-0422

Doris Turner (Springfield)
(217) 782-0228
Patricia Van Pelt (Chicago)
(217) 782-6252
Karina Villa (West Chicago)
(217) 782-0471

Terri Bryant (Murphysboro)
(217) 782-5715

Steve McClure (Jacksonville)

(217) 782-8206

Brian W. Stewart (Freeport)
(217) 782-0180
Jil Tracy (Quincy)
(217) 782-2479

AKC Government Relations and the Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs and Owners continue to monitor legislation impacting Illinois dog owners.  For more information, contact AKC GR at