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A Wisconsin bill that will make it more difficult for owners to reclaim lost pets was rushed through the legislature this week. Those who reside or participate in dog events in Wisconsin are strongly encouraged to contact Governor Walker TODAY and respectfully ask him to veto SB450.

Among other provisions, SB450 would shorten the time in which an owner may reclaim a lost dog at a shelter from 7 days to 4 days.  Although an amendment was approved that a dog may not be euthanized until day 7, the amendment did not change that an owner may not reclaim a dog after 4 days. 

It would also allow for permanent forfeiture of a pet if its owner cannot afford to pay required fees for the animal during an animal cruelty trial.  Even if the defendant is wrongly accused, ultimately found not guilty, or charges are dropped, holding agencies may take ownership of an animal if the owner is more than 30 days late in paying these fees.

Read AKC’s previous alert for more information and talking points on this bill.

Contact Information for Governor Scott Walker:
(608) 266-1212
E-mail form: 

For questions or more information, contact the Dog Federation of Wisconsin at or AKC Government Relations at  

A Wisconsin bill that will make it more difficult for owners to reclaim lost pets was rushed through the legislature this week. Those who reside or participate in dog events in Wisconsin are strongly encouraged to contact Governor Walker TODAY and respectfully ask him to veto AB 487/SB450.