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Monday, September 16, 2019

On Thursday, September 26 at 1pm, the Joint Committee on Financial Services will consider three bills banning discrimination against dogs based on breed, size, or weight.  Both HB 1037 and SB 595 prohibit insurance companies from denying insurance to homeowners/renters or from requesting higher payment of premiums, unless the dog has been deemed a “dangerous dog”.  In addition to these insurance protections, HB 1038 would prevent housing discrimination against responsible dog owners with limited exceptions.

  • The American Kennel Club strongly endorses the right to own, keep and breed dogs in a responsible and humane manner.
  • We believe that responsible dog ownership is compatible with most living arrangements.
  • The American Kennel Club believes that insurance companies should determine coverage of a dog-owning household based on the dog’s deeds, not the dog’s breed.

Massachusetts residents are encouraged to contact the Chairs of the Joint Committee on Financial Services to express strong support for these bills; or attend the September 26 hearing at 1PM in Room A-1 of the Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon Street, Boston, MA.  Be sure to sign in to speak.

Senate Chairman James T. Welch
Phone: (617) 722- 1660 or Email:

House Chairman James M. Murphy
Phone: (617) 722-2220 or Email:

For more information on these or other legislative issues in Massachusetts, contact AKC’s Government Relations Department at 919-816-3720 or; or MassFed at