On Tuesday, February 27, 2024, the Borough of Montvale, New Jersey, is scheduled to consider an ordinance to prohibit the sale of professionally bred and regulated dogs and cats in retail stores. AKC opposes efforts such as this that limit pet choice and consumer protections for area families seeking to purchase a purpose bred pet to fits their needs and lifestyle.
Retail pet sales bans and restrictions undermine consumer protections and individual choice, and do nothing to improve the wellbeing of dogs. Instead, AKC supports broad consumer protection and cruelty laws to hold accountable all who sell or transport dogs and continuing to allow pet stores to source from a variety of humane sources, including licensed breeders. Professional breeders in and around New Jersey are already regulated by the USDA, and are required to follow all applicable state and federal animal welfare laws.
For more talking points on this issue and information on AKC’s position, visit our key issue page on Pet Choice.
New Jersey residents concerned with arbitrary limits on consumer choice are encouraged to express opposition to the ordinance to Mayor Ghassali and members of the Montvale Borough Council via phone at (201) 391-5700 or email:
Mike Ghassali, Mayor – mghassali@montvaleboro.org
Chris Roche, Council President – croche@montvaleboro.org
Annmarie Russo-Vogelsang, Councilmember – arussovogelsang@montvaleboro.org
Timonthy E. Lane, Councilmember – tlane@montvaleboro.org
Dieter Koelling, Councilmember – dkoelling@montvaleboro.org
Douglas Arendacs, Councilmember – darendacs@montvaleboro.org
Theresa Cudequest, Councilmember – tcudequest@montvaleboro.org
Fran Scordo, Municipal Clerk – fscordo@montvaleboro.org
Montvale residents are encouraged to attend the Tuesday, February 27, 2024, Mayor and Council “Workshop Session” to express opposition to the proposed ordinance. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:30PM at the Montvale Municipal Complex, 12 DePiero Drive, Montvale, New Jersey 07645.
Contact the American Kennel Club’s Government Relations Department at doglaw@akc.org.