Friday, June 21, 2019
The New York General Assembly officially adjourned this morning. You made a difference! Thanks to your efforts, no negative bills were passed before adjournment.
Here is a summary of some of the major legislation that received a hearing this year:
- 722 – Hunting Events Ban – As introduced, this bill would have prohibited any contest, competition, or tournament where the objective is taking or hunting wildlife for prizes or entertainment. After hearing the AKC and numerous New York residents, this bill was amended to address concerns. As currently written, it now prohibits contests where the sole objective is taking the largest number of game or wild birds. It further clarifies that any prohibition will not apply to field trials, dog training areas, or canine performance events. The bill was left pending in the Assembly Codes Committee.
- 6298/A.6299/S. 4234/S. 593 – Retail Pet Store Ban – These bills would have prohibited pet stores from selling dogs or cats unless they were sourced from shelters and rescues. AKC and numerous stakeholders expressed significant concerns with these bills that would have limited pet choice and consumer protection. None of the bills received a hearing.
- 4577 – Regulating Dogs Outdoors – This bill would prohibit dogs being outside for any length of time if the weather is a certain temperature. AKC and local clubs expressed concerns that the bill did not account for the needs of specific dogs, nor was it clear when outdoor shelter was required. The bill passed the Senate and is pending in the Assembly for the 2020 session.
- 3828 – Care Standards for Pet Dealers – This bill, supported by the AKC, provides reasonable clarifications to some of the care standards for animals kept by pet dealers. Pet dealers are defined in New York as those who sell more than 9 dogs in a year. However, those who sell fewer than 25 that were bred and raised on their property are exempt. This bill passed the Assembly and Senate and will likely be sent soon to the governor. Read AKC’s previous alert for more information.
Visit AKC’s Legislative Action Center and click on “tracking” to view all the bills we are tracking in New York and their current status.
We Still Need Your Help!
It’s important to remember that this is the first of a two-year legislative session, so bills could be reconsidered in 2020. While your legislators are at home in their districts, take the time to meet with them, consider inviting them to your shows or events, and continue to communicate with them about the importance of supporting responsible dog breeders, dog owners, and sportsmen, and talk to them about specific bills or issues that are important to you (Read AKC’s previous alert for a full list of bills).
AKC thanks all the clubs and local dog owners who took the time to contact their legislators this year. Legislators and committee leaders acknowledged they heard from numerous constituents on animal legislation. AKC also thanks the Associated Dog Clubs of New York State for their efforts in Albany this year speaking out on behalf of their members.
AKC will continue to provide more information on New York as it is available. For questions or more information, contact AKC Government Relations at