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The AKC has learned that MA H4516 and NY A1824–bills to prohibit insurance companies from discriminating against homeowners based on the breed of dog they own–will very soon be considered by their respective state legislatures. The American Kennel Club believes that insurance companies should determine coverage of a dog-owning household based on the dog's deeds, not the dog's breed. We encourage your immediate support of these important bills!

For years families have been forced to give up their loving companions because of skyrocketing premiums or companies' outright refusal to cover certain breeds. These bills both present a very reasonable alternative-insurance companies can raise rates or refuse coverage only if a dog has been deemed dangerous based on existing state law.

In Massachusetts:

  • MA H4615 has been scheduled for a hearing before the Joint Committee on Financial Serves on March 14th at 11 a.m. in Room A-2. Dog owners are strongly encouraged to attend the hearing if possible to show support for the bill.
  • If you cannot attend the hearing, please contact your state representatives and express your support. Your voice is especially important if your elected official sits on the committee below. Find out who represents you in Massachusetts.


Joint Committee on Financial Services
State House #254
Boston, MA 02133

Rep. Ronald Mariano (D) [Chair]
Sen. Andrea F. Nuciforo (D) [Chair]
Rep. Robert P. “Bob” Spellane (D) [Vice Chair]
Sen. Dianne Wilkerson (D) [Vice Chair]
Sen. Scott Brown (R)
Sen. Stephen J. Buoniconti (D)
Rep. Robert K. Coughlin (D)
Rep. Joseph Driscoll (D)
Rep. William C. Galvin (D)
Rep. Susan Williams Gifford (R)
Rep. Peter Kocot (D)
Sen. Mark Montigny (D)
Rep. James Murphy (D)
Rep. Joyce A. Spiliotis (D)
Sen. Susan C. Tucker (D)
Rep. Daniel K. Webster (R)
Rep. James T. Welch (D)


In New York:

  • NY A1824 has been scheduled for a hearing before the Assembly Insurance Committee tomorrow, March 1st, at 10 a.m. in Room 714 LOB. Dog owners who are able to attend and show their support for the bill are urged to do so.
  • If you cannot attend the hearing, please contact your state Assemblymember and express your support. Your voice is especially important if your elected official sits on the committee below. Find out who represents you in New York.


Assembly Insurance Committee
Legislative Office Bldg #712
Albany, NY 12248
Asm. Alexander B. Grannis (D) [Chair]
Asm. Will Barclay (R)
Asm. Marc W. Butler (R)
Asm. Nancy Calhoun (R)
Asm. Ann Margaret E. Carrozza (D)
Asm. Joan K. Christensen (D)
Asm. Adele Cohen (D)
Asm. Vivian E. Cook (D)
Asm. Steven Cymbrowitz (D)
Asm. Adriano Espaillat (D)
Asm. Rhoda S. Jacobs (D)
Asm. Ryan S. Karben (D)
Asm. Ivan C. Lafayette (D)
Asm. Geroge S. Latimer (D)
Asm. Tom O'Mara (R)
Asm. Robert C. Oaks (R)
Asm. Crystal D. Peoples (D)
Asm. N. Nick Perry (D)
Asm. Adam Clayton Powell (D)
Asm. J. Garry Pretlow (D)
Asm. Jose Rivera (D)
Asm. Mark Schroeder (D)
Asm. Mark Weprin (D)
Asm. Sandra Lee Wirth

For more information about homeowners' insurance issues, visit our Resource Center.

The AKC has learned that MA H4516 and NY A1824–bills to prohibit insurance companies from…