Banning breed-specific laws (BSL) is probably the most common issue on which most animal advocates agree – yet it is one of the most difficult issues to pass.
Last week, advocates in Missouri tried numerous political maneuvers to finally pass a law banning breed-specific policies in the state, but unfortunately none were successful.
In 2019, the state of Washington tried to do the same, but settled for a compromise that allows cities to continue to pass these laws with certain exemptions. Denver’s mayor vetoed a repeal – even though it included an ownership limit and other restrictions. And Prince George’s County, Maryland did a counter-maneuver to undo a vote initially approving an end to their long-standing breed discrimination laws.
These are just a few of the many recent examples in the long-standing debate over dangerous do policies. Some recent proposals have gone so far as to regulate the size of a dog, or mandate sterilization of dogs based purely on their appearance.
So what are the challenges with this issue? And what can advocates and dog owners do to help turn the tide and continue to educate lawmakers?
AKC Government Relations invites you to join a webinar on May 27 on this important issue. Jennifer Clark, Director of Legislative Outreach, will discuss trends and advocacy ideas for non-breed-specific dangerous dog laws. The hour-long webinar will also include a Q&A and feedback on your concerns.
Topic: Breed-Specific Legislation: Trends and Advocacy Tools
Date: Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Time: 8:00-9:00 pm
Link to register (You must register in advance to participate)
We look forward to talking with you on May 27 and discussing how we can work together to protect innocent dogs and dog owners from harmful breed specific laws. For questions or technical assistance, contact