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On Wednesday, November 29, the Bakersfield City Council will discuss a proposal to overhaul the city’s laws related to dog ownership, dog breeding, and kennel licensing. As currently written, the proposal would, among many other changes:

  • Require a kennel permit and possible inspections for anyone who owns more than three dogs at least twelve weeks old.
  • Require all dogs over six months to be sterilized unless a city resident purchases an intact animal permit.
  • Require anyone breeding and selling one litter of puppies to purchase a breeder’s permit, which also includes inspections of the animals or any premises where they are kept. The permit would not be allowed for any dog over seven years of age.
  • Require that animals impounded more than once in their lifetime be spayed or neutered prior to redemption by their owner.
  • Reduce the age of required dog licensing and rabies vaccination from four to three months of age.

What You Can Do:

Attend the Bakersfield City Council meeting in person and respectfully express your opposition, particularly to the breeder and kennel permit provisions.  Encourage them to instead enforce current state and local laws that ensure the care of all animals- regardless of how many are owned or whether they are intact. Visit Breeding Regulations and Restrictions in the AKC Legislative Action Center for more talking points and information.

The proposal is scheduled to be discussed on:

Wednesday, November 29, at 5:15 PM
City Hall South, 1501 Truxtun Avenue
Bakersfield, California 93301

Note: The video for Council meeting is broadcast live on the internet at The City Council will take public comment from members of the public in­person only; there will be no public comment by teleconference. When arriving, fill out a public speaker card and hand to the city clerk to notify the City Council you wish to speak.

If you can’t attend the meeting, you can also submit your opposition to the proposal by emailing

AKC GR will provide updates as warranted on next steps in the coming weeks. For questions or more information on California legislation, contact AKC GR at