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The Louisiana state legislature is in the final two weeks of its scheduled 2024 session. Here is an updated status report on several bills of interest to dog owners:

Senate Bill 476 seeks to criminalize the use of bait dogs in training dogs for dog fighting. The American Kennel Club (AKC) recommended an amendment to the definition of “bait dog” to protect any dog that is abused as a bait dog, regardless of its temperament. The amended bill has passed in the House and Senate and will next be considered by Governor Jeff Landry. Please send comments of support for SB 476 to Governor Landry. (See How to Submit Comments, below.)

House Bill 407, among other provisions, seeks to prohibit healthcare providers from producing documentation relating to the need for a support animal unless they satisfy requirements that would include a therapeutic relationship with the individual. The bill also would prohibit misrepresentation of a service dog and limit liability for property owners and lessors for damages caused by a service dog or support animal. HB 407 passed in both chambers with amendments, and is pending House concurrence with the most recent amendments. AKC Government Relations (GR) monitored HB 407 throughout the legislative process and supports it as most recently amended. Please send comments of support for HB 407 as amended to your state Representative, and assuming concurrence, to Governor Landry.

House Bill 213 seeks to amend and reenact the crime of negligent homicide and provide for increased penalties when a person is killed by a dog or other animal and the owner is criminally negligent. HB 213 passed in the House and Senate and next will be sent to the Governor for executive action. AKC GR has monitored this bill throughout the legislative process. Please send your comments on HB 213 to Governor Landry.

How to Submit Comments: If you wish to submit comments on these or other Louisiana bills, click here to identify your Louisiana State Representative and Senator. Click on the name to view their contact information. Click here to send an online message to Governor Landry.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact AKC GR at