Washington SB 5651 will be considered by the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, March 19th, at 10:00AM, in House Hearing Room A, in the John L. O'Brien Building, 504 15th Avenue SW, in Olympia, WA 98504. SB 5651 is part of a radical national legislative agenda aimed at limiting the freedoms and liberties of Americans by attempting to restrict the number of animals they can own. Similar bills have been introduced across the country since the start of 2009, including in West Virginia, Texas, Oregon, Illinois, Maryland, Florida, Indiana, Colorado, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Montana.
SB 5651 includes:
- Unsubstantiated legislative findings that state that large-scale breeding increases the likelihood that dogs will be denied basic care, and suggest that large scale breeding facilities are more likely to fall below even the most basic standards of humane housing and husbandry. These findings, among others, incorrectly imply that all large-scale breeders are irresponsible by nature, and ignore the many responsible breeders who care for their dogs and ensure they are placed with good, loving homes.
- Prohibiting anyone from owning, possessing, controlling, or having charge or custody of more than 50 “breeding” dogs over the age of six months at any time.
- Allowing for a warrantless search by any animal control officer or “other authorized public health or safety official”, either upon the receipt of a complaint or upon “the officer's own motion”.
- Exempting public animal shelters, nonprofit humane societies/animal adoption organizations, veterinary facilities, retail pet stores, research institutions, boarding facilities, and grooming facilities from the standards of care required in this bill.
The American Kennel Club (AKC) opposes this legislation, and encourages all concerned responsible dog breeders and owners in Washington to attend Thursday's committee hearing and voice their opposition to this bill; or alternatively, to contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and respectfully yet strongly urge them to not move SB 5651 forward.
Washington House Judiciary Committee
Representative Jamie Pederson, Chair
Washington House Judiciary Committee
Room JLOB 208-A
P.O. Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0600
PHONE: (360) 786-7826
E-MAIL: pedersen.jamie@leg.wa.gov
Representative Roger Goodman, Vice-Chair
PHONE: (360) 786-7878
E-MAIL: goodman.roger@leg.wa.gov
Representative Jay Rodne, Ranking Minority Member
PHONE: (360) 786-7852
To e-mail Rep. Rodne, click here.
Representative Matt Shea, Asst. Ranking Minority Member
PHONE: (360) 786-7984
To e-mail Rep. Shea, click here.
Representative Dennis Flannigan
PHONE: (360) 786-7930
E-MAIL: flannigan.dennis@leg.wa.gov
Representative Troy Kelley
PHONE: (360) 786-7890
E-MAIL: kelley.troy@leg.wa.gov
Representative Steve Kirby
PHONE: (360) 786-7996
E-MAIL: kirby.steve@leg.wa.gov
Representative Timm Ormsby
PHONE: (360) 786-7946
E-MAIL: ormsby.timm@leg.wa.gov
Representative Mary Helen Roberts
PHONE: (360) 786-7950
E-MAIL: roberts.maryhelen@leg.wa.gov
Representative Charles Ross
PHONE: (360) 786-7856
To e-mail Rep. Ross, click here.
Representative Judy Warnick
PHONE: (360) 786-7932
To e-mail Rep. Warnick, click here.
Committee Legislative Assistant – Randy Trick – PHONE: (360) 786-7122.
For more information, contact AKC's Government Relations Department at (919) 816-3720, or e-mail doglaw@akc.org.
Washington SB 5651 will be considered by the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, March 19th, at…