Reminder: A revised proposed animal ordinance is scheduled for a final vote by the Aiken County Council today, November 17, 2020. Please see AKC’s previous legislative alert on this measure.
Among other requirements, the proposed ordinance seeks to require registration with the county as an offender by any person convicted of a dangerous dog violation and would authorize ongoing and unlimited inspections of their property, regardless if they continue to own or keep the dangerous dog. It further would provide that a person convicted of a minor nuisance animal infraction could be sentenced to register as an offender and be subjected to both annual and unlimited additional inspections of the nuisance animal and the person’s private property.
What You Can Do:
Animal owners in Aiken County are urged to immediately contact County Council members to politely express their concerns and to attend the meeting, if possible. It is extremely important that your County Council members hear from you and other animal owners who reside in the county.
The council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 17, 2020, at 7:00 p.m., in the County Council Chambers, Third Floor, Aiken County Government Center, 1930 University Parkway, Aiken, SC 29801.
County Council Contact Information:
Gary Bunker, Chairman
803.645.8388 (cell)
Kathy Rawls, District 1
803.564.5435 (Home)
Camille Furgiuele, District 2
803.642.8752 (Home)
Danny Feagin, District 3
803.507.4556 (Cell)
Chuck Smith, District 4
803.279.6065 (Work)
Sandy Haskell, District 5
803.279.5769 (Home)
205.531.3830 (Cell)
Phil Napier, District 6
L. Andrew Siders, District 7
803.645.1302 (Cell)
Willar H. Hightower, Jr., District 8
803.648.3020 (Home)
803.292.5313 (Cell)
For questions or additional information, please contact AKC Government Relations at 919-816-3720 or