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The voices of responsible dog owners are being heard!  Alabama House Bill 235, which seeks to authorize food service establishments to allow pet dogs in outdoor restaurant seating areas if the company wishes to do so, has passed in the House and in Senate committee. It next will be voted on by the full Senate. Dog owners who support this legislation are encouraged to send messages to their Alabama State Senators urging them to vote yes on HB 235. For more information on HB 235, view AKC’s 2/8/21 legislative alert.

Find your State Senator’s contact information:

Go to and scroll all the way down to Find Officials. (Depending on your device, it could be on the right or at the bottom of your screen.) Click the button for Elected Officials, enter your zip code, and then enter your street address.  A directory will open that shows who represents you. Scroll down in the directory to Your State Officials to find your State Senator. From there, you have two options for sending a message of support for HB 235:

Option 1:  If you prefer to call, fax, or send an email message from your personal email address, click on your State Senator’s name to view their phone number, fax number, and email address. (Remember, you can leave a voice mail message any time.)

Option 2:  To send a message using an online form, click the box next to your State Senator’s name and click on the Compose Message button. A new screen will open. Scroll down to the Compose Your Message online form, fill it out, and hit “Send Message.”

Either way, be sure to include in your message the polite request:  “Please vote YES on HB 235.”

If you have not done so already, please also take a moment to thank Rep. Steve McMillan for sponsoring HB 235 at (334) 261-0523 or

For more information, please contact AKC Government Relations at or 919-816-3720.