AKC Government Relations has learned that the City of Indianapolis/Marion County, Indiana, is being encouraged by several groups, including the Indianapolis Animal Care Services, to consider drafting a mandatory spay/neuter ordinance in order to address shelter population concerns in the city.
While no draft has been formally introduced, it is believed that the proposal may be based on a law in Hamilton County, Indiana, which requires mandatory sterilization of all dogs and cats over 9 months of age, unless the owner has a breeder’s permit.
AKC agrees that all dog owners should be responsible for their dogs, and understands that the local shelter is overwhelmed. However, instead of mandatory spay-neuter, a focus needs to be made on enforcement of at-large and other animal control laws, and a study needs to be conducted of the shelter to understand where the animals are originating and why they are entering the shelter in order to truly address the root of the issue.
It is important for those who reside or participate in dog shows in Indianapolis to contact the council and let them know that mandatory spay/neuter is not the solution for addressing shelter population issues. This is an opportunity for the council to hear from you before a proposal is even drafted.
Talking Points:
View a sample letter on mandatory spay/neuter proposals.
Read AKC’s Issue Analysis Why Mandatory Spay/Neuter Laws are Ineffective
Read AKC’s talking points on Mandatory Spay/Neuter Laws
Contact Information for the City-County Councilors of Marion County and Indianapolis:
LeRoy Robinson – leroy.robinson@indy.gov
Colleen Fanning – fanningINDY@gmail.com
Christine Scales – cscales_2000@yahoo.com
Michael J. McQuillen – mike@mikemcquillen.com
Jeff Coats – jefferycoats@sbcglobal.net
Janice McHenry – jfmchenry@iquest.net
Joseph Simpson – jesimp7754@sbcglobal.net
Monroe Gray, Jr. – monroe.gray@indy.gov
William Oliver – william.oliver@indy.gov
Maggie A. Lewis – maggie.lewis@indy.gov
Vop Osili – voposili@gmail.com
Blake Johnson – blake.johnson@indy.gov
Stephen J. Clay – Stephen.clay@indy.gov
LaKeisha Jackson – lakeisha.jackson@indy.gov
Marilyn Pfisterer – cpfist1061@aol.com
Jefferson Shreve – jeffersonshreve@comcast.net
Zach Adamson – adamsonforindy@aol.com
Susie Cordi – scordi@comcast.net
David Ray – david.ray@indy.gov
Jason Holliday – jasonhollidayccc20@gmail.com
Frank Mascari – frank.mascari@indy.gov
Jared Evans – jared.evans@indy.gov
Scott Kreider – scott.kreider@indy.gov
John Wesseler – john.wesseler@indy.gov
Brian Mowery – brian.mowery@indy.gov
AKC Government Relations and the Indiana Purebred Dog Alliance are closely monitoring the council actions and will also be communicating our concerns and more effective solutions. More information will be provided as it becomes available. If you receive feedback from the council, please let us know by contacting AKC GR at doglaw@akc.org.