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The 2024 regular session of the Florida state legislature has adjourned, and the American Kennel Club (AKC) thanks the hardworking members of the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs (FAKC), AKC-affiliated clubs, dog owners, sportsmen, allied organizations, and every individual who contacted their state lawmakers about bills that affect our dogs.

This session, the AKC Government Relations team (AKC GR) tracked 34 Florida state bills relevant to dogs and their owners. Here are status updates on notable bills:

 Supported – Passed Legislature

CS/HB 87, among other provisions, allows the use of lethal force against a bear when necessary to avoid an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury to a person or pet, or substantial damage to a dwelling. AKC GR worked with sponsors’ staff, expressed support, and discussed this legislation with FAKC members during a strategy and advocacy meeting. CS/H.B. 87 has passed in the House and Senate.

CS/HB 7073 is a taxation bill that among other provisions establishes state sales tax holidays on June 1-June 14, 2024, and August 24-September 6, 2024, on certain supplies necessary for the evacuation of household pets. AKC GR discussed this bill with FAKC members during a strategy and advocacy meeting and urged support. CS/HB 7073 has passed in the House.

Opposed – Defeated

HB 297 / SB 272 sought to authorize a court to appoint a separate advocate regarding an animal’s welfare in prosecutions and certain other court proceedings. AKC GR submitted a letter of concern regarding this legislation. SB 272 passed in the Senate Judiciary Committee, then died in the Criminal Justice Committee. HB 297 died in the House Criminal Justice Subcommittee.

Favorably Amended, Did Not Advance

CS/HB 873 / CS/SB 1156 sought to expand dangerous dog provisions and requirements and establish a dangerous dog registry. AKC GR expressed concerns with the bills as introduced and recommended amendatory language. HB 873 was favorably amended in the House Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee and SB 1156 was favorably amended in the Senate Committee on Agriculture. Neither bill further advanced prior to end of session. Read more.

Monitored – Passed Legislature

CS/HB 303 / HB 849 and several interrelated bills sought to authorize the practice of veterinary telehealth and/or would authorize an employee, agent, or contractor of a county or municipal animal control authority to vaccinate against rabies dogs, cats, and ferrets under certain circumstances. In 2023, AKC GR discussed previous versions of these bills with sponsors and monitored all versions of the 2024 bills throughout this year’s session. AKC GR also discussed these bills with FAKC members during a strategy and advocacy meeting. HB 849, which provides for veterinary telehealth, and CS/HB 303, which authorizes certain persons to administer rabies vaccinations to certain animals under indirect supervision of veterinarian, have passed in the House and Senate.

CS2/SB 1084, among other provisions, seeks to reenact sections of state law regarding the justified killing of a dog that attacks livestock and the dog owner’s liability for damages. AKC GR discussed this legislation with FAKC members during a strategy and advocacy meeting and monitored the bills throughout the session. CS2/SB 1084 has passed in the Senate and House.

Opposed – Passed Legislature

CS2/HB 273 exempts from public records requirements the identifying information about persons, firms, associations, and other groups that adopt animals, provide foster care to animals, and all “other persons receiving legal custody of animals” from an animal shelter or animal control agency. CS2/HB 273 passed in the House and Senate. Read more.

Get Prepared for Fall Elections and the 2025 Florida Session 

2024 is an election year, and it is important that candidates who support responsible dog owners are elected. Encourage fellow dog owners to register to vote. Get to know candidates for office, learn about their positions on animal issues, and support dog-friendly candidates for seats in the Florida state legislature.

As often happens, problematic bills could be redrafted and refiled for the 2025 session. Take time now to prepare for advocacy. Meet with your state senator and representative in your district and let them know that you, your AKC club, FAKC, and AKC GR are reliable and knowledgeable resources on dog issues.

Stay Informed

By working together, we can protect our rights to own, exhibit, breed, and enjoy the dogs we love by offering support for good legislation and opposition to problematic bills. View AKC’s newly redesigned Legislative Action Center (under development), where you can find information on key issues affecting dogs and access downloadable fact sheets and advocacy resources.

For information and assistance, email