The next meeting of Texas’ Licensed Breeders Advisory Committee is scheduled for Friday, September 1, 2023, at 10AM. The meeting will be held via video conference and will be broadcast live on the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation’s (TDLR) YouTube channel.
Please note that the meeting agenda is currently unavailable, but will be posted online before the meeting. This is the first meeting of the Committee in nearly three years.
In June, Governor Abbott signed Senate Bill 876 that expands the Texas’ Licensed Breeders Program to regulate those that own and/or breed five or more intact females. It remains unclear how this law will be interpreted by TDLR. AKC recently attended a TLDR Commission meeting and requested an opportunity to work with TDLR and the Licensed Breeder Advisory Committee to clarify to whom the new law applies to and to update regulations to ensure small scale breeders can comply with the law. For more information on SB 876, please view our past alerts.
AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) strongly encourages all breeders that may be impacted under the state’s updated Dog and Cat Breeders Act and other interested parties to watch the September 1 meeting or to submit public comments at the meeting. Click here to receive meeting notices from TDLR.
AKC GR continues to monitor all proposals impacting dog owners in Texas. For questions, more information, or if you plan to submit public comments at the meeting, contact AKC GR at