Representative Gutierrez’s office has confirmed that HB 1106, the Pet Owner Responsibility Act will not move forward this session. Congratulations to the fanciers and concerned dog owners who took the time to educate their legislators about this important issue.
New Mexico Bill to Make Spay and Neuter Mandatory
[Wednesday, February 14, 2007
New Mexico House Bill 1106, known as the Pet Owner Responsibility Act, has been introduced by Representative Gutierrez and has been assigned to the Judiciary and Appropriations & Finance Committees. If this bill is adopted, all dogs six months of age or older must be spayed or neutered. While the bill currently provides exceptions for certain breeders, fanciers, and handlers, the bill would have a profound impact on all dog owners in New Mexico. The Judiciary Committee will consider this bill Friday, February 16, at 1:30PM. It is imperative that concerned dog owners and breeders contact their Representative and the committee members to express their opposition.
The American Kennel Club opposes the concept of breeding permits, breeding bans or mandatory spay/neuter of purebred dogs. Instead, we support reasonable and enforceable laws that protect the welfare and health of purebred dogs and do not restrict the rights of breeders and owners who take their responsibilities seriously. We strongly support and actively promote a wide range of programs to educate the public about responsible breeding practices and the responsibilities of dog ownership.
The proposed law would:
- Require owners to spay or neuter all dogs six months of age or older.
- Require owners to apply for an intact dog permit.
- Provide civil penalties for non-compliance with the Act.
- Permit localities to impose more restrictive ordinances.
Points to Remember:
- Responsible owners should be allowed to use their own discretion in determining whether to alter their animals, spay/neuter requirements target all owners regardless of their actions. These breeders make a serious commitment to their animals, working hard to raise healthy, well cared-for dogs and work to ensure that these puppies are placed with responsible owners.
- Strongly enforced animal control laws (such as leash laws) and increased public education efforts are better ways to address the issue of irresponsible dog ownership.
- A public education campaign would help teach community residents about how to properly care for their pets, as well as the need to be a responsible pet owner. AKC has free materials available on issues such as housebreaking, obedience training, excessive barking and daily care.
- The American Kennel Club encourages pet owners to spay or neuter their dogs as a responsible means to prevent accidental breedings resulting in unwanted puppies. The American Kennel Club encourages breeders to discuss spaying and neutering options with puppy buyers who do not wish to participate in conformation events.
What You Can Do:
- Contact your representative in the New Mexico House of Representatives and let him or her know that you oppose mandatory spay/neuter and HB 1106. To find your Representative, click here.
- Contact the members of New Mexico House Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Appropriations and Finance who will consider this bill:
Representative Al Park, Chair
1840 Dakota NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
(505) 986-4411
Representative Joseph Cervantes, Vice Chair
(505) 986-4249
Representative Elias Barela
(505) 986-4254
Representative Gail Chasey
(505) 986-4484
Representative Daniel R. Foley
(505) 986-4758
Representative Antonio “Moe” Maestas
(505) 986-4464
Representative W. Ken Martinez
(505) 986-4776
Representative William “Bill” R. Rehm
(505) 986-4453
Representative Mimi Stewart
(505) 986-4840
Representative Thomas E. Swisstack
(505) 986-4254
Representative Gloria C. Vaughn
(505) 986-4453
Representative Eric A. Youngberg
(505) 986-4226
Representative Theresa A. Zanetti
(505) 986-4451
Representative Henry Kiki Saavedra, Chair
2828 2nd Street SW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
(505) 986-4316
Representative Luciano “Lucky” Varela, Deputy Chair
(505) 986-4318
Representative Danice Picraux, Vice Chair
(505) 986-4438
Representative Ray Begaye
(505) 986-4436
Representative Richard J. Berry
(505) 986-4454
Representative Donald E. Bratton
(505) 986-4227
Representative Joni Marie Gutierrez
(505) 986-4234
Representative John A. Heaton
(505) 986-4432
Representative Rhonda S. King
(505) 986-4438
Representative Larry A. Larrangaga
(505) 986-4215
Representative Antonio Lujan
(505) 986-4436
Representative Patricia A. Lundstrom
(505) 986-4435
Representative Kathy A. McCoy
(505) 986-4214
Representative Brian K. Moore
(505) 986-4467
Representative Nick L. Salazar
(505) 986-4433
Representative Don L. Tripp
(505) 986-4220
Representative Jeannette O. Wallace
(505) 986-4452
Representative Peter Wirth
(505) 986-4233
For more information, please contact:
Rio Grande Kennel Club
Patte Klecan
(505) 301-1770
AKC Canine Legislation Department
(919) 816-3720
Representative Gutierrez’s office has confirmed that HB 1106, the Pet Owner Responsibility…