As the world’s largest registry of purebred dogs, the AKC uses our registration statistics to rank the most popular breeds of the past year — and the numbers are in! Which breed has been named the American Kennel Club’s most popular dog breed of 2023?
For the second year in a row, the French Bulldog has secured the No.1 spot as the most popular dog breed in the United States! Before 2022, the Labrador Retriever had a firm hold on the top spot, keeping an impressive 31-year reign.
Staying in the No.1 Spot
The French Bulldog’s popularity shows no signs of slowing down. You’ve likely seen these bat-eared companions before, and they’re especially popular in cities. Over the last 11 years, the French Bulldog has steadily grown in registration rankings, ranking No. 14 in 2012. In 2021, Frenchies made it to the No. 2 spot, taking over the top spot officially in 2022.

Part of the French Bulldog’s appeal is their playful, smart, and adaptable nature. They’re easy to bring anywhere, and great companions for a variety of lifestyles. These smart little dogs originated in France, and French Bulldog history is one with many layers. Even in the past, they belonged to all kinds of people, from royalty to middle-class artisans. They were recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1898, giving them over 100 years of AKC history along with it.
Top 10 Dog Breeds of 2023
It’s no surprise to dog lovers that the Frenchie remains in the No. 1 spot, and the rest of the top five breeds follow a similar pattern. Same as 2022, the Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd Dog, and Poodle are ranked No. 2-5 respectively.
There’s some shuffling in the top 10 from 2022 to 2023. The Dachshund is making moves, jumping from the No. 9 spot in 2022 to the No. 6 spot in 2023. Rottweilers took their spot at No. 9 in 2023, moving down from No. 7 in 2022. Bulldogs went from No. 6 in 2022 to No. 7 in 2023. The Beagle remains at No. 8, and the German Shorthaired Pointer remains at No. 10 with no change in rank.

The top 10 breeds aren’t the only ones getting people’s attention. Other breeds working their way up the rank in 2023 were the Papillion, the Great Pyrenees, the Basenji, and the Finnish Lapphund. From 2022 to 2023, the Finnish Lapphund went from No. 167 to No. 135, a total of 32 spots. The Basenji jumped 10 spots from No. 91 to No. 81, and the The Papillion went up six ranks from No. 51 t0 No. 45. The Great Pyrenees went up five spots from 2022 to 2023, going from No. 69 to No. 64.
Over the last decade, breeds like the Cane Corso, Belgian Malinois, Giant Schnauzer, and English Cocker Spaniel have also seen jumps in popularity. The Mudi, Russian Toy, and Bracco Italiano were recognized in 2022, but since the Bracco Italiano was recognized in July of that year, they debuted in the registration lists in 2023, at No. 152. The Mudi went from its debut at No. 150 in 2022 to No. 130 in 2023, while the Russian Toy debuted at No. 144 and now ranks No. 141.
The Lancashire Heeler was the newest breed recognized by the AKC starting January 2024. Tune in next year to see where they debut in the ranks!
Least Popular Dog Breeds of 2023
Ranked in the bottom five of the 200 breeds were the Azawakh (No. 196), the Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen (No. 197), Norwegian Lundehund (No. 198), English Foxhound (No. 199), and Sloughi (No. 200). In 2021, the Norwegian Lundehund took the bottom spot, and has been making its way slowly up the rankings, passing the English Foxhound and Sloughi in 2023.
The American Kennel Club has recognized 201 breeds since it was first founded in 1884, with additional breeds working their way towards recognition AKC Foundation Stock Service (FSS) and the Miscellaneous Class. If you’re looking for a puppy of your own, AKC Marketplace can connect you with a responsible breeder.

Knowing your dog will be counted as part of the compilation of the annual breed popularity list is only a small benefit of dog registration. The AKC is the only purebred dog registry in the United States that maintains systematic inspections and investigations. The AKC conducts thousands of inspections each year to ensure compliance with standards that support the welfare, safety, and health of dogs across the nation. The AKC and its affiliates have also donated over $67 million to canine health research as of 2023, and the Canine Health Foundation published their 1000th scientific publication in 2023.
Most Popular Dog Breeds of 2023 Full List