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Yesterday the Missouri House Local Government Committee voted 8-4 in favor of two bills that will prohibit local municipalities from enacting breed-specific laws in the state. The bills will now be sent to the House Rules Administrative Oversight Committee for further consideration.

AKC supports House Bill 1588 and House Bill 1657 and encourages clubs and those who participate in dog events to contact the committee members and urge them to support both bills (Scroll down for contact information).

AKC had some concerns the bills would be amended to include mandatory spay and neuter language but fortunately neither bill was amended to include this provision.  We thank those who took the time to contact the Local Government Committee expressing support for the bills and asking for no negative amendments.

More information can be found in this earlier alert.

How to Help:

Dog owners in Missouri should contact the members of the House Rules Administrative Oversight Committee to help them better understand why breed specific bans are ineffective and unfair to responsible dog owners and respectfully ask them to support House Bills 1588 and 1657.

Send email comments or make phone calls to the committee members listed below.  If you are a constituent of any of these legislators be sure to share this information with them when you contact them:

House Local Government Committee:

Chair Rep J. Eggleston (Harrison and Daviess Counties)
Phone: (573) 751-4285

Representative Scott Cupps (Lawrence, Stone and Barry Counties)
Phone: (573) 751-1488

Representative Ian Mackey (St. Louis County)
Phone: (573) 751-0100

Representative LaKeysha Bosley (St. Louis City)
Phone: (573) 751-6800

Representative Shamed Dogan (St. Louis County)
Phone: (573) 751-4392

Representative Travis Fitzwater (Callaway and Cole Counties)
Phone (573) 751-5226

Representative David Gregory (St. Louis County)
Phone: (573) 751-2159

Representative Kurtis Gregory (Saline, Johnson and Pettis Counties)
Phone: (573) 751-2204

Representative Brad Hudson (Christian, Stone and Taney Counties)
Phone: (573) 751-3851

Representative Keri Ingle (Jackson County)
Phone: (573) 751-1459

Representative Andrew McDaniel (Dunkin and Pemiscot Counties)
Phone: (573) 751-3629

Representative Peggy McGaugh (Chariton, Carroll and Ray Counties)
Phone: (573) 751-1468

Representative Jonathan Patterson (Jackson County)
Phone: (573) 751-0907

Representative David Smith (Boone County)
Phone: (573) 751-4189

AKC Government Relations and the Missouri Federation of Animal Owners (MoFed) continue to closely monitor these and all legislative bills in Missouri impacting dog owners.  For more information, contact AKC GR at