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The San Antonio City Council will decide on proposed major revisions to its animal ordinance at the Thursday, December 13th, “A Session” meeting.  Public comment will be accepted at this hearing prior to the council’s vote.  It is imperative that all concerned San Antonio-area breeders and owners strongly voice their opposition to this proposal.

The American Kennel Club and its Texas federation of owners, the Responsible Pet Owners Alliance (RPOA), support reasonable and enforceable laws that govern dog ownership.  However, we believe that the San Antonio proposal is wrongheaded.  Not only are the proposed changes unreasonable and unenforceable, but because they are unfunded, they will also be a drain on existing and future animal control efforts in San Antonio.  Specifically, the proposed ordinance will:

  • Require the mandatory spay/neuter of all dogs over six months of age, unless an Intact Dog Permit is acquired.  The AKC opposes the concept of breeding bans or mandatory spay/neuter of purebred dogs as would be imposed by the proposal.  Instead, we support reasonable and enforceable laws that protect the welfare and health of purebred dogs and do not restrict the rights of breeders and owners who take their responsibilities seriously. 
  • Classify most kennels as a “commercial kennel” and impose considerable regulations upon such facilities. As currently defined by the proposal, most places where dogs are kept could reasonably qualify as commercial kennels, including homes of many hobby breeders and rescue groups. Such facilities will be subsequently subject to unreasonable building standards that will be impossible for smaller breeders and dog owners who maintain dogs in their own residential premises to comply with, and unproven animal husbandry standards that risk transfer of infectious and contagious diseases.
  • Limit breeders by requiring them to acquire Litter Permits.  The AKC opposes the concept of breeding permits.
  • Impose new limit laws.  Owners with more animals than the limit laws allow will be required to acquire an excess animal permit, and will require the mandatory spay/neuter of all animals kept over the limit amount.  The AKC opposes unreasonable limitations on pet ownership.  Instead, we strongly endorse the right to own, keep, and breed dogs in a responsible and humane manner.



Contact San Antonio city officials and tell them you oppose the proposed changes to the San Antonio Animal Ordinance.  Encourage them to develop animal policies that are reasonable and enforceable. 

Contact information for San Antonio officials (address for all):
City of San Antonio
PO Box 839966
San Antonio, TX  78283

Mayor Phil Hardberger
Phone:  (210) 207-7060
Fax:  (210) 207-4168

City Manager Sheryl Sculley
Phone:  (210) 207-7080
Fax:  (210) 207-4217

Deputy City Manager Pat DiGiovanni
Phone:  (210) 207-6912
Fax:  (210) 207-4122

Councilwoman Mary Alice Cisneros
Phone:  (210) 207-7279
Fax:  (210) 207-6931

Councilwoman Sheila McNeil
Phone:  (210) 207-7278
Fax:  (210) 207-4496

Councilman Roland Gutierrez
Phone:  (210) 207-7064
Fax:  (210) 534-1931

Councilman Philip Cortez
Phone:  (210) 207-7281
Fax: (210) 678-0099

Councilwoman Lourdes Galvan
Phone:  (210) 207-7043
Fax:  (210) 212-4860

Councilwoman Delicia Herrera
Phone:  (210) 207-7065
Fax:  (210) 207-8760
E-mail: district

Councilman Justin Rodriguez
Phone:  (210) 207-7044
Fax:  (210) 207-7027

Councilwoman Diane Cibrian
Phone:  (210) 207-7086
Fax:  (210) 949-0439

Councilman Kevin Wolff
Phone:  (210) 207-7325
Fax:  (210) 341-2092

Councilman John Clamp
Phone:  (210) 207-7276
Fax:  (210) 207-7027


For more information, please contact the AKC’s Canine Legislation Department at (919) 816-3720, or e-mail; or contact the Responsible Pet Owners alliance at

The San Antonio City Council will decide on proposed major revisions to its animal ordinance at the…