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A reminder from the American Kennel Club Government Relations Team:

 A state sales tax holiday that is in effect through September 8, 2023, could be helpful for Florida dog owners affected by Hurricane Idalia and residents who wish to prepare for future weather events.

 Among the items subject to the sales tax abatement are purchases of supplies necessary for the evacuation of household pets, including pet foods, portable kennels/carriers, and pet beds. These must be noncommercial purchases and are subject to price limitations. Click here for FAQ from the Florida Department of Revenue.

Background Information:

House Bill 7063, among numerous other provisions, establishes sales tax holidays in 2023 for purchases of supplies necessary for the evacuation of household pets. The bill was signed by the Governor as Chapter No. 2023-157 and the sections that abate sales tax on certain pet supplies are effective May 27 through June 9, 2023, and August 26 through September 8, 2023.

For additional information, please contact