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AKC continues to monitor several bills impacting dog owners in Oregon. Below are the latest updates, along with contact information if you wish to comment on any of these measures.

AKC GR will continue to provide individual updates and alerts when necessary.

Bills in Oregon Legislature:

  • Senate Bill 696 – Funding for State-Appointed Animal Cruelty-Focused Attorney.

Status: Scheduled for work session on March 6 in Senate Judiciary Committee

Summary: This bill would appropriate moneys to Department of Justice out of General Fund to fund animal cruelty-focused attorney within department’s Criminal Justice Division. AKC is concerned that this bill does not specify any qualifications for the attorney, or provide any details as to the scope of this new role.  As such, it is unclear what the impact could be on dog owners in the state.  The AKC opposes this bill in its current form.

What You Can Do: Concerned Oregon residents are urged to contact members of the committee to express your opposition to the proposed legislation. Those who wish to contact members of the committee can do so by clicking HERE. If you are a constituent, be sure to mention that when contacting them (Click HERE to find out who your senator is).

  • House Bill 2915 – Pet Choice Restrictions.
    Status: Scheduled for work session on March 8 in House Business and Labor Committee.

Summary: An Oregon state House committee has scheduled a work session for March 8 to consider House Bill 2915. This proposed bill would end the sale of all dogs and cats at pet stores with exemptions for existing pet stores. The proposed legislation also allows for cities to enact even more stringent laws that would restrict pet choice. Even if you would not personally source a pet to a pet store, it is critical that your lawmakers understand that pet choice should not be limited.  Visit the Pet Choice key issues page in the AKC Legislative Action Center for talking points and more information on this issue.

What You Can Do: Concerned Oregon residents who support consumer choice, who believe the health of all dogs offered for sale/adoption in pet stores should be protected, and who support consumer protection laws for new pet owners are urged to contact members of the committee to express your opposition to the proposed legislation. Those who wish to contact members of the committee can do so by clicking HERE. If you are a constituent, be sure to mention that when contacting them (Click HERE to find out who your representative is).

AKC Government Relations continues to monitor bills in Oregon impacting dog owners and will provide updates.  For questions or more information, contact AKC GR at