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The Missouri House Local Government Committee will again consider two bills tomorrow, February 23 that would prohibit local municipalities from enacting breed-specific laws in the state. The hearing will begin at 4:00pm.

AKC supports House Bill 1588 and House Bill 1657 and encourages clubs and those who participate in dog events to contact the committee members and respectfully ask them to support both bills as introduced with no amendments regarding spay/neuter or sterilization.

More information can be found in this earlier alert.

How to Help:

Dog owners in Missouri should contact the members of the House Local Government Committee to help them better understand why breed-specific bans are ineffective and unfair to responsible dog owners and respectfully ask them to support House Bills 1588 and 1657 as introduced, with no negative amendments impacting responsible dog owners.

Send email comments or make phone calls to the committee members listed below and if you are a constituent of any of these legislators be sure to share this information with them when you make contact:

House Local Government Committee:

Vice Chair Representative Bill Falkner (Buchanan County)
Phone: (573) 751-9755

Representative Jamie Burger (Scott and Mississippi Counties)
Phone: (573) 751-5471

Representative Craig Fishel (Springfield and Greene Counties)
Phone: (573) 751-0232

Representative Brad Hudson (Christian and Taney Counties)
Phone: (573) 751-3851

Representative Chad Perkins (Ralls, Monroe, Lincoln and Pike Counties)
Phone: (573) 751-402

Representative Randy Railsback (Caldwell, Ray, Clay and Clinton Counties)
Phone (573) 751-0246

Representative Rodger Reedy (Henry, Benton, Cass and Bates Counties)
Phone: (573) 751-3971

Representative Joe Adams (St. Louis County)
Phone: (573) 751-4265

Representative Donna Baringer (St. Louis City)
Phone: (573) 751-4220

Representative Alan Gray (St Louis County)
Phone: (573) 751-5538

Representative Bridget Walsh Moore (St. Louis County)
Phone: (573) 751-0211

AKC Government Relations and the Missouri Federation of Animal Owners (MoFed) continue to closely monitor these and all legislative bills in Missouri impacting dog owners.  For more information, contact AKC GR at