An ad hoc committee of the Montgomery City Council will meet again on Monday, December 20, 2021, to continue work on a proposed animal ordinance. Media reports indicate that the committee intends to propose:
- Expanded requirements to obtain a breeding permit, raising the annual permit fee from $20 to $150, and requiring the applicant to have a business license and other documentation.
- Specific requirements for animal housing.
- Mandatory microchipping.
- New language regarding at-large and vicious animals, increased penalties for violations, and additional provisions.
Animal owners in Montgomery are urged to attend the meeting and take part in the lawmaking process.
Meeting information:
Montgomery City Council’s Ad Hoc Committee – Animal Ordinance
December 20, 2021, 5:30 p.m.
Old Council Chamber, Room 142, City Hall
103 North Perry Street, Montgomery, AL 36104
For additional meeting information, contact the City Clerk’s office at 334-625-2195. Residents are also encouraged to contact their City Council members with questions about the proposed animal ordinance.
For more information, please contact AKC Government Relations at or 919-816-3720.