Based on House Bill 1160 that was enacted in 2021, the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) has proposed new rules for those licensed under the state’s Pet Animal Care and Facilities Act (PACFA).
In Colorado, a “pet animal facility” means any place or premise used in whole or in part, which part is used for the keeping of pet animals for the purpose of adoption, breeding, boarding, grooming, handling, selling, sheltering, trading, or otherwise transferring such animals. “Pet animal facility” also includes any individual animals kept by such a facility as breeding stock, such licensing of individual breeding stock to be inclusive in the pet animal facility license. Such entities are subject to PACFA and its rules. NOTE: Canine hobby breeder facilities (i.e., any facility that transfers no more than twenty-four dogs per year or breeds no more than two litters per year, whichever is greater) are specifically excluded.
- Requires animal shelters and rescues to provide for the behavioral needs of dogs and cats in their care.
- Requires all licensed facilities to create and enforce a contingency plan to address emergency situations.
- Requires licensed facilities that transport, move, or import pet animals to have a disease control and treatment plan in place.
- Updates rules on environmental conditions permitted in facilities.
- Adds pet handlers (not explicitly defined) to the types of facilities that must get written permission to commingle dogs.
- Adds non-pharmaceutical drugs to the list of drugs that dog groomers cannot use.
- Adds minimum space requirements for animals in isolation, and isolation room cleaning requirements.
- Limits the number of animals allowed in foster homes on behalf of animal shelters.
- Adds written disclosure requirement for any injury, illness, or abnormality.
Click here to read the entire proposal.
CDA will hold a public rulemaking hearing at 2PM on Thursday, February 16, 2023. The hearing may be viewed on Zoom; or accessed via phone at 719-359-4590 (meeting ID 601 735 7076, passcode 705183).
Any interested party may file written comments with the Commissioner’s office prior to the hearing, or present written data, views, or arguments at the hearing. Emailed comments should be sent to the hearing officer at
Contact the American Kennel Club’s Government Relations Department – 919-816-3720,