Earlier today, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted 232-140 to table House Bill 1102, which suspended further consideration of the extremist bill that seeks to describe brachycephaly as a “birth deformity that causes suffering” and would criminalize the sale and breeding of brachycephalic dogs and any dog that could be claimed to have a birth deformity.
Click here for more information on HB 1102.
Today is the legislative deadline for HB 1102 to be acted on by the House. With today’s majority vote to table, it is unlikely that HB 1102 will be “taken off the table” and reconsidered prior to the completion of today’s floor session. Nevertheless, staff of the American Kennel Club’s Government Relations Department (AKC GR) remains on the ground in Concord, and will provide additional information about HB 1102 and the conclusion of today’s House session in an upcoming update.
For more information, contact AKC GR at doglaw@akc.org.