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December 20, 2018

The Buffalo Common Council is expected to vote on Wednesday, December 26, on a proposal that would prohibit the humane tethering of dogs outdoors for over one hour unless the temperature is above 32 degrees or below 90 degrees, including a vague provision that may even impact walking a dog on a leash.

AKC and the Associated Dog Clubs of New York State have submitted suggestions and recommended changes to the proposal, and we appreciate Councilmember Feroleto reaching out to the AKC and inviting us to submit comments and suggestions.  While we understand that there may be amendments offered on Wednesday, those have not yet been published.

Public comment will not be allowed on Wednesday, so those who reside or participate in dog events in Buffalo are strongly encouraged to contact the council prior to the vote. Encourage them to amend the proposal before passage to avoid unintended consequences and make the law reasonable and enforceable.  Scroll down for contact information.

Read AKC’s previous alert for a detailed summary and talking points of the proposal as introduced.

What You Can Do:

Those who own or participate in outdoor activities with dogs in the City of Buffalo are strongly encouraged to contact the Buffalo Common Council TODAY.  If you have a specific example of a situation where you would humanely tether a dog when the temperature is outside these temperature ranges, please be sure to include that in your communication.

Hearing Information:
City of Buffalo Legislation Committee Hearing
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
2:00 pm
Council Chambers
Buffalo City Hall
Buffalo, NY

Buffalo Common Council Contact Information:

Council President Darius G. Pridgen
(716) 851 – 4980

Joel P. Feroleto (sponsor)
(716) 851 – 5155

Richard A. Fontana
(716) 851 – 5151

David A. Franczyk
(716) 851 – 4138

Joseph Golombek, Jr.
(716) 851 – 5116

David A. Rivera
(716) 851 – 5125

Christopher P. Scanlon
(716) 851 – 5169

Ulysees O. Wingo, Sr.
(716) 851 – 5145

Rasheed N.C. Wyatt
(716) 851 – 5165

AKC Government Relations and the Associated Dog Clubs of New York State are continuing to monitor this bill and communicate concerns to the council.  For more information on this bill, contact AKC GR at