The Pinellas County (FL) Board of County Commissioners has scheduled a public hearing on Tuesday, June 7, to discuss a proposed ordinance that seeks to ban opening new retail pet stores in the county, prevent the relocation or expansion of existing retail pet stores, and enact new requirements for retail pet stores.
Click here, then click on 6. Affidavit of Publication, to view the public hearing notice, which includes the location, time, and information on how to preregister to speak at the meeting.
Why this matters:
Pinellas County currently regulates and requires permits for hobby breeders, kennels, and pet dealers. At this time, the proposed ordinance does not appear to amend existing requirements for these permit holders. However, the ordinance is subject to additional amendments prior to, at, and subsequent to the public hearing.
Please note that the proposed ordinance states in more than one occurrence that, “the Board finds that it is in the best interest of the County, and the life, health, safety, and welfare of residents, and animals, to avoid the expansion of pet sale establishments in the county.” “Pet sale establishment” is not defined.
Accordingly, pet businesses and individuals who breed or sell dogs are urged to review the proposed ordinance to determine how it might affect them, and to attend the public hearing to learn about newly-proposed provisions, if any.
If you wish to discuss the proposed ordinance with your county commissioner, click here for the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners contact information.
For questions or additional information, contact American Kennel Club Government Relations at