An Oregon state House committee has scheduled a hearing for February 13 to consider House Bill 2915. This proposed bill would end the sale of all dogs and cats at pet stores with exemptions for existing pet stores. The proposed legislation also allows for cities to enact even more stringent laws that would restrict pet choice. Even if you would not personally source a pet to a pet store, it is critical that your lawmakers understand that pet choice should not be limited.
What You Can Do:
Concerned Oregon residents who support consumer choice, who believe the health of all dogs offered for sale/adoption in pet stores should be protected, and who support consumer protection laws for new pet owners are urged to contact members of the committee to express your opposition to the proposed legislation.
Visit the Pet Choice Key Issue page in the AKC Legislative Action Center for talking points and more information on AKC’s position
Public Hearing Information:
The Oregon House Business and Labor Committee will conduct a public hearing on February 13, 2023 at 8 am PST. Those who wish to submit written testimony or contact members of the committee can do so by clicking HERE.
Click HERE to find out who your representative is. If you are a constituent of a member of the committee, please make sure to include that in your communication.
For additional information, please visit or contact AKC Government Relations at or 919-816-3720.