AKC Government Relations is hosting an informational meeting and discussion at the Tarheel Cluster dog shows on Saturday, September 2, to help you learn how we can work together to build a strong state federation in North Carolina and be a united voice for dogs in the state:
Saturday, September 2, 2023
1:00-2:00 pm
Judges Lunchroom, Jim Graham Building, NC State Fairgrounds
RSVP is appreciated: jennifer.clark@akc.org
View AKC’s previous alert for more information on the meeting and its importance for the future of purebred dogs and our sport.
AKC GR encourages every club and interested individual to participate in rebuilding a NC Federation.
Not in North Carolina but interested in getting involved? You’re welcome to join this meeting to learn more or contact AKC Government Relations at doglaw@akc.org to get connected with other federations or clubs in your state.