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Senate Bill 1698, which seeks to regulate Florida pet stores, has been rescheduled to be heard by the Senate Committee on Innovation, Industry, and Technology on Monday, February 17, 2020.   Among other provisions, this bill would require Florida pet stores to be licensed by the state Department of Business and Professional Regulation, set out requirements for where pet stores may source dogs and cats, provide for enhanced conditions and veterinary care for dogs and cats in pet stores, and ensure that new local laws governing pet stores conform with state law.

As originally filed, this bill contained unacceptable definitions of breeders and other problematic provisions.  Based on input from constituents, amendments to the bill that address these concerns have been filed.  AKC does not oppose the current proposed amendment, from which the problematic breeder definitions have been removed.

AKC will continue to closely monitor the bill for additional amendments.  Dog owners, breeders, exhibitors, and sportsmen are urged to contact committee members and politely ask them to ensure that SB 1698, as amended, will not seek to regulate Florida breeders who are not in the business of supplying dogs to pet brokers or to pet stores.  Click here for Senate Committee on Innovation, Industry, and Technology contact information.

Please contact or call 919-816-3720 for additional information.