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Senate Bill 419, which includes several amendments requested by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and the Michigan Association for Pure-Bred Dogs (MAPBD), seeks to regulate “animal rescues”, which would be defined as a person that acquires an animal for the purpose of finding that animal a new home and maintains the animal in a foster home (Both requirements must be met to be considered an animal rescue and therefore regulated under this bill).   Read AKC’s previous alert for more details on the regulations in this bill.

What You Can Do:

Senate Bill 419 is pending in the Senate Committee of the Whole, which means it can be discussed by the full Senate.  Those who reside or participate in rescue activities in Michigan are encouraged to review the bill and ask their State Senator to support SB 419. Visit the AKC Legislative Action Center ( and type your address in the “Find Your Elected Officials” box to find the name and contact information for your State Senator.

AKC Government Relations and the Michigan Association for Pure-Bred Dogs continue to closely monitor this legislation and will provide more information as it becomes available.  For questions, contact MAPBD at or AKC GR at