June 5, 2019
Tomorrow (Thursday, June 6), the New York Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee will be considering amendments to Assembly Bill 722, which as introduced would have limited hunting and hunt trials in the state.
You made a difference! Thanks to the efforts of all who called and emailed the committee, the amendment being considered addresses the AKC’s primary concerns with the bill. This would not have happened if the committee had not heard from so many responsible dog owners, breeders, and sportsmen who helped educate the members on the fallacies and problems in the bill.
This bill as introduced would have prohibited any contest, competition, or tournament where the objective is taking or hunting wildlife for prizes or entertainment.
As amended, the bill prohibits contests where the sole objective is taking the largest number of game or wild birds. The bill further clarifies that any prohibition will not apply to field trials, dog training areas, or canine performance events.
The AKC greatly appreciates the office of Assemblywoman Deborah Glick (sponsor of A. 722) for reaching out to AKC Government Relations to talk about the bill and ask to work with us to address concerns.
The amended bill will be considered in committee tomorrow (June 6). AKC Government Relations will continue to provide updates on this and other New York legislation. For questions, contact AKC GR at doglaw@akc.org.