The New Mexico Senate Public Affairs Committee is considering a bill tomorrow, Tuesday, January 30, that would appropriate money from the general fund to programs that assist with temporary housing and care for domestic violence victims and their pets.
The AKC supports Senate Bill 113, which recognizes the complex dynamic involving pets and domestic violence. Sociological and psychological studies show that a significant percentage of domestic violence cases involving family victims also involve threats and/or actual harm against pets. For this reason, many victims of domestic abuse are reluctant to leave a dangerous situation for fear of what will happen to a pet left behind.
Victims of domestic violence are in vulnerable and frightening situations, and the ability for them to go to a safe location with their pets is essential. New Mexico residents are encouraged to contact the committee in support of Senate Bill 113.
Committee Members:
Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino, Chair
Sen. Bill B. O’Neill, Vice Chair
Sen. Candace Gould, Ranking Member
Sen. Craig W. Brandt
Sen. Stuart Ingle
Sen. Elizabeth “Liz” Stefanics
Sen. Jeff Steinborn
Sen. Mimi Stewart
AKC Government Relations will continue to monitor this legislation. For questions or more information, contact AKC Government Relations at