Delaware Session Ends for Year: Barking Dog Bill Held, Pet Insurance Bill Advances
The first session of the Delaware General Assembly has closed for the year. House Bill 124 which seeks to regulate barking dogs remained in the House Appropriations Committee.  Additionally, the General Assembly approved House Bill 156 which establishes the comprehensive framework for the regulation of pet insurance transactions in Delaware. House Bill 124 would prohibit […] | July 10, 2023
This Just In: CDC Extends Suspension of Dogs from Countries Classified as High-Risk for Rabies
On Monday, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will announce an extension of the temporary suspension of dog imports from countries classified as high risk for rabies.  The extension will not make changes to the current rules and will remain in effect through July 31, 2024. The CDC believes the suspension […] | July 7, 2023
Delaware Update: Governor Signs Cruelty Reporting Bill
Yesterday, Governor John Carney signed Senate Bill 71.  This bill would provide immunity to people who, in good faith, report suspected animal cruelty from any liability, civil or criminal, that might otherwise exist as a result of making the report. Additionally, the bill would also require law-enforcement agencies, the Department of Services for Children, Youth […] | June 28, 2023
CT Update: Bills Impacting Dog Owners Favorably Amended Before Becoming Law
Both the American Kennel Club (AKC) and the Connecticut Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners (CFDRDO) are pleased that the Connecticut legislature has adjourned for 2023 without passing legislation that would negatively impact Connecticut dog owners, breeders, and exhibitors. We are grateful to the legislators who ensured bills of concern only advanced after […] | June 28, 2023
New York Legislature Adjourns with Victories for Dog Owners
The New York legislature has adjourned for 2023 without passing legislation that would negatively impact New York dog owners, breeders, and exhibitors. Bills do carry over to next year, but we are grateful to the legislators who ensured bills of concern did not advance in 2023.  AKC Government Relations met many times with New York […] | June 27, 2023
Oregon: Ask Governor to Oppose Pet Choice Restrictions
Summary: The end of the chaotic Oregon legislative session saw the passage of House Bill 2915. This proposed bill would end the sale of all dogs and cats at pet stores with a five-year exemption for existing pet stores, ending on January 1, 2028. After that date, all pet stores in Oregon will be banned […] | June 27, 2023
California: Kern County Commission Advances Revised Mandatory Spay/Neuter Proposal
Last week, the Kern County Animal Services Commission reconsidered a proposed ordinance that seeks to further the licensing burden on dog owners in Kern County, and could lead to mandatory spay/neuter for one violation of animal control laws.  While some concerns remain, there were some amendments requested by AKC and local club members that were […] | June 27, 2023
Texas Update: Governor Takes Action on Three Dog-Related Bills
This week, Texas Governor Abbot took action on three additional bills of interest to AKC: House Bill 2063- Informed Consent for Kennel Facilities Status: Filed into law without the Governor’s Signature, effective date September 1, 2023 HB 2063 requires kennel facility operators (those who are providing boarding services for breeding, sheltering, training, hunting, “or similar […] | June 23, 2023
NY Update: Assembly and Senate Pass Hunting Bill With AKC Amendments
A bill passed this week by the New York Assembly makes certain hunting competitions illegal.  As written, however, Senate Bill 4099 and Assembly Bill 2917 contains important amendments requested by the AKC to protect training and performance events. Summary: Senate Bill 4099 and its companion Assembly Bill 2917  make it unlawful to organize, sponsor, or […] | June 23, 2023
Pennsylvania Update: Bill Updating License Fees and Other Dog Law Changes Continues to Advance
Earlier this week, the Pennsylvania Senate passed Senate Bill 746 that removes the difference in license fees for intact and sterilized dogs and makes other changes to licensing for dog owners, kennels, and rescues, as well as other changes to the Commonwealth’s Dog Law In addition, the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee this week reviewed […] | June 23, 2023

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