Chicago Considers Mandatory Spay/Neuter and Criminal Background Checks for Dog Breeders
Two Chicago Aldermen are sponsoring a new ordinance that would require all dogs to be spayed/neutered by the age of six months unless they qualify for an unneutered animal license. Chicago residents are asked to contact their representative on the Board of Aldermen to oppose this measure. To qualify for an unneutered animal license the […] | May 15, 2008
MSN Tabled in Santa Barbara County
May 8 UPDATE: Tuesday, May 6 the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors decided to table the mandatory spay/neuter proposals and instead form a task force to examine the issue of shelter population.  Thank you every one who attended the meeting and a special thank you to those who spoke in opposition to the mandatory […] | May 8, 2008
Governor Sonny Perdue Signs AKC Supported Anti-Dog Fighting Legislation
On Tuesday, May 6, Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue signed into law tough new anti-dog fighting legislation that was supported by the American Kennel Club and the Georgia Canine Coalition.  Members of the Georgia Canine Coalition were present for the signing and were congratulated for their hard work on behalf of dogs and responsible dog owners.  […] | May 8, 2008
It has been reported to the American Kennel Club that the Quality of Life Committee has directed the Director of Animal Control to examine the feasibility of enforcing the proposed ordinance. The Director of Animal Control is expected to present his findings at a meeting of the Quality of Life Committee in June. Thank you […] | April 30, 2008
Dallas Considers MSN, Pet Limits TODAY
The Dallas, Texas City Council Committee on Quality of Life will consider major changes to the Dallas animal control ordinance on Monday, April 28 at noon at the Dallas City Hall. The changes include mandatory spay/neuter, breeder permitting, limits on the number of pets that can be owned, stricter dangerous dog language, and a ban […] | April 28, 2008
Breeder Permitting, Mandatory Spay/Neuter Proposal in Dallas, Texas
The Dallas, Texas City Council will soon consider major changes to the Dallas animal control ordinance. The changes include breeder permitting, limits on the number of pets that can be owned, stricter dangerous dog language, and a ban on tethering. Mandatory Spay/Neuter   This proposed ordinance mandates that you spay or neuter your dog unless […] | March 26, 2008
South Carolina Bill to Negatively Affect Animal Owners
South Carolina Senate Bill 833 is currently under consideration by the full Senate. The bill—which originally attempted to only address the restraint of dogs—has been amended and now unreasonably seeks to seriously limit the confinement of dogs in pens or crates. It is vital that all South Carolina enthusiasts, fanciers, and concerned dog owners contact […] | March 26, 2008
MN Breeders Bill removed from Committee agenda
The Senate Agriculture and Veterans committee has removed SB 2292 from its February 26 agenda. The bill may be still heard at a later date. Please contact the members of the committee to share your concerns about this bill. Continue to check for updates. Minnesota Breeders Bills Moving Forward [Wednesday, February 20, 2008] Minnesota […] | February 22, 2008
Problematic Dangerous Dog Bill Introduced in Minnesota
Minnesota House File 3245, sponsored by Representative Dennis Ozment, seeks to lift the state's current prohibition on breed-specific legislation. If passed and signed into law, the changes imposed by this bill would have a profound impact on all dog owners in Minnesota. It is imperative that all dog owners and breeders in Minnesota contact the […] | February 20, 2008
VA Breeders Bill to be heard in Senate Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources Committee
On Wednesday, February 13 Virginia House Bill 538 was assigned to the Senate Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources Committee. It is expected to have a hearing on Monday, February 18. The bill seeks to: Define commercial breeders as persons who maintain 30 or more unsterilized adult females for commercial breeding; Limit commercial breeders to maintaining […] | February 14, 2008

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