Strict Ohio Breeder Bill to be Heard on Tuesday, October 6
The Ohio Senate State & Local Government and Veterans Affairs Committee will allow supporters of Senate Bill 95 to testify in a hearing on October 6.  Opponents of the measure will be given an opportunity to speak at a later hearing.  All concerned dog owners and breeders in Ohio are encouraged to contact the committee, […] | October 6, 2009
Victory for Louisville KC in Suit Against City
Late Friday, United States District Court Judge Charles R. Simpson, III, of the Western District of Kentucky issued his decision in the case of the Louisville Kennel Club, Inc. v. Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government.  A significant victory for the Louisville Kennel Club, the judge’s decision features two key rulings that may also prove to be […] | October 6, 2009
Strict Ohio Breeder Bill to be Heard on Wednesday, September 30
A substitute version of Ohio House Bill 124 will be heard by the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday, September 30. The AKC is concerned with many provisions within the substitute version of House Bill 124, including, but not limited to: Broad definition of "Regulated Dog Intermediary". Anyone who sells, exchanges, donates, or […] | September 28, 2009
UPDATED: Attend the Illinois Breeder Task Force Meeting on September 29
The Illinois Joint Task Force on Breeders and Pet Stores is holding a public meeting at the Illinois State Fairgrounds on Thursday, September 29 at 9:00 a.m.  The AKC encourages responsible dog owners, fanciers, and breeders to attend or submit written comments and help educate the task force on responsible breeding and dog ownership.  It […] | September 23, 2009
Mandtory Spay/Neuter Enacted in Claremore, OK
The City of Claremore, Oklahoma, has recently enacted a mandatory spay/neuter ordinance for all dogs and cats owned by city residents.  The ordinance does not apply to anyone not residing within Claremore city limits or to any non-residents participating in dog events in the city. The new law requires all dog and cat owners to […] | September 22, 2009
Wisconsin Breeders Bills to be Heard Sept. 23
Two committees of the Wisconsin legislature will consider separate breeders bills in a joint meeting on Wednesday, September 23, at 10:00 AM.  The Assembly Committee on Consumer Protection and the Senate Committee on Small Business, Emergency Preparedness, Technical Colleges, and Consumer Protection will consider Assembly Bill 250 and Senate Bill 208.  The American Kennel Club […] | September 21, 2009
CA Senate Bill 250 Will not Move This Year
Senator Dean Florez, the author of Senate Bill 250, has issued a press release stating that the bill will be put on hold until the legislature reconvenes in January 2010. AKC thanks the clubs, and responsible owners and breeders who took the time to educate their legislators about this issue. We encourage you all to […] | September 10, 2009
Update: Senate Approves Nomination of Sunstein for Regulatory Czar
As expected, the U.S. Senate last night approved, 63-35, the nomination of Cass Sunstein to be Director of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) at the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. The role, also known as the "Regulatory Czar" is responsible for overseeing regulatory policy throughout the government. The nomination was approved […] | September 10, 2009
CA Senate Bill 250 Fails Initial Vote – Thank Your Legislators!
California Senate Bill 250 failed on the Assembly Floor 28-42. Forty-one votes were needed for passage, meaning Senator Florez needs 13 additional votes to pass SB 250. The bill was noticed for Reconsideration today which requires 41 votes to pass. Then the bill could be taken up for another vote prior to the close of […] | September 9, 2009
URGENT: CA SB 250 Amended: Opposition Still Needed – Now!
Senator Florez has amended Senate Bill 250, but the changes do little to address AKC’s fundamental concerns with the bill. It is imperative that California responsible dog owners and breeders immediately contact their Assemblymembers and Senators and ask them to oppose SB 250!!! As expected, the bill now provides that an intact dog with a […] | September 1, 2009

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