Maryland Update: Bill potentially impacting outdoor dog events defeated in committee
March 14, 2019 The Maryland House Environment and Transportation Committee has voted to not approve HB 501, a bill that as introduced would have amended the state’s tethering laws and ban dogs from being left tethered outdoors unattended for more than 30 minutes when the temperature is below 32 or above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The […] | March 14, 2019
Illinois Committee To Consider Increasing License Fees, and Regulating Fosters & Transports on Thursday (3/14)
March 13, 2019 The Illinois Senate Agriculture Committee is considering bills tomorrow (Thursday, March 14) that would significantly increase kennel and other license fees in the state, and also regulate foster homes and transport groups. Illinois residents that have a kennel operator (for boarding, training, etc) or state breeder license, or those that are involved […] | March 13, 2019
MD UPDATE: Time Change for Hearing on Prohibition of Breed Discrimination on Insurance Policies
March 8, 2019 The Maryland Senate Finance Committee will now be considering Senate Bill 647 at 9:00am instead of the previously reported 1:00pm on Tuesday, March 12. SB 647 would prohibit homeowner’s and renter’s insurance providers to discriminate against specific breeds or mixed breeds of dogs when offering insurance policies. Maryland residents are encouraged to […] | March 8, 2019
OHIO UPDATE: Department of Agriculture Announces Suspension of Enforcement on Broad “Pet Store” Interpretation
March 7, 2019 Today the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) announced that they will suspend enforcement of a recent regulatory interpretation that would have required home-based dog breeders to obtain licensing as a pet store. ODA has stated they will work with the Ohio General Assembly on a resolution. The American Kennel Club worked with a […] | March 7, 2019
Kentucky – Animal forfeiture bill in committee tomorrow, 3/6/19 noon. Ask for amendments.
March 5, 2019 AKC has just learned that vague provisions in a Kentucky bill could result in forfeiture of animals NOT owned by the person who committed a crime.  Concerned animal owners are urged to immediately contact committee members and ask that the bill be amended so that innocent parties will not lose custody of […] | March 5, 2019
Iowa: Problematic Breeder Bill Advancing – Contact the House Today!
March 5, 2019 A bill slated to move quickly in the Iowa House of Representatives would make significant changes to the state’s breeder laws. While some changes are a positive advancement, there are many concerning provisions that could unnecessarily harm dogs and responsible dog owners and breeders. A subcommittee discussed House Study Bill 227 today, […] | March 5, 2019
Maryland: Ask Committee to Support Prohibition on Breed Discrimination on Insurance Policies
March 4, 2019 The Maryland Senate Finance Committee will be considering a bill on Tuesday, March 12, that would prohibit homeowner’s and renter’s insurance providers to discriminate against specific breeds or mixed breeds of dogs when offering insurance policies. Maryland residents are encouraged to contact the Senate Finance Committee and express your support for Senate […] | March 4, 2019
Ask Texas Committee to Support Allowing Dogs in Outdoor Dining Areas on 3/5
March 4, 2019 The Texas Senate Committee on Business & Commerce is scheduled to hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 5, on a bill that would allow dogs in outdoor eating establishments, with permission from the business owner. The AKC supports SB 476, as it allows responsible dog owners more opportunity to enjoy outdoor […] | March 4, 2019
Illinois Considering Bill Assigning Legal Advocates to Animals on Tuesday (3/5)
March 1, 2019 A bill is scheduled for consideration in Illinois on Tuesday, March 5, that would assign a special advocate to “represent the interests of justice regarding the health or safety” of a dog or cat. The American Kennel Club (AKC) has concerns regarding the legal implications regarding House Bill 1631.  There is the […] | March 1, 2019
North Carolina: Caswell County Considering Commercial, High-Volume Kennel Regulations on Monday (3/4)
February 28, 2019 The Caswell County (North Carolina) Board of Commissioners is considering a proposal on Monday, March 4, that would license and regulate those deemed commercial breeders or “high-volume private kennels”. Those who reside in Caswell County are encouraged to contact the committee prior to the hearing, or consider attending the hearing on March […] | February 28, 2019

Showing 1,411-1,420 of 2,574 results