Memphis City Council to Require all Pit bulls be Sterilized
At their January 26th meeting the Memphis City Council will consider an ordinance to require that all "pit bulls" over 8 weeks of age be sterilized unless the owner qualifies for a medical exemption, operates a commercial kennel or the dog is recognized as a show dog. "Pit bulls" are defined as American Pit Bull […] | January 19, 2010
New Hampshire Committee to Consider Unreasonable Breeder Bill
New Hampshire House Bill 1624, which seeks to impose many unreasonable and unnecessary restrictions on responsible dog breeders and owners, will be considered by the House Environment and Agriculture Committee on Thursday, January 21.  The American Kennel Club and our New Hampshire federation, the Dog Owners of the Granite State, both oppose this measure as […] | January 11, 2010
AKC Opposes Possible Missouri Initiative Petition
The American Kennel Club has learned of an initiative petition effort underway in Missouri that, if successful, would allow Missouri citizens the opportunity to create law that will unreasonably restrict the operations of responsible dog breeders. Similar legislation has failed to garner support in the Missouri Legislature. Missouri law requires proponents of this initiative to […] | December 17, 2009
Las Vegas Mandatory Spay/Neuter Ordinance Returned to City Council for Vote
The committee reviewing the proposed mandatory spay/neuter ordinance chose to send it back to the full city council without a recommendation. The measure will be heard at the November 18th city council meeting. Concerned fanciers and responsible dog owners and breeders need to attend this meeting to ensure that your voices are heard!          Las […] | November 9, 2009
Update: New Orleans MSN Proposal Withdrawn!
Late yesterday evening, the mandatory spay/neuter proposal that was to be considered today by the New Orleans City Council was withdrawn by the ordinance’s sponsor, Councilwoman Cynthia Hedge-Morrell. The American Kennel Club (AKC) appreciates the Councilwoman’s and her staff’s effort to reach out to responsible dog breeders and owners who voiced strong opposition to the […] | November 5, 2009
Update: Los Angeles County Rejects Proposed Zoning Changes Impacting Kennels
The Los Angeles County Regional Planning Board unanimously rejected proposed zoning changes affecting dog kennels. AKC congratulates the kennel operators and responsible owners and breeders who worked hard to educate the board members about these important issues.   Los Angeles County Zoning Changes to Hurt Kennels and Breeders [Thursday, October 22, 2009] The Los Angeles […] | October 30, 2009
Update: Wisconsin Breeder Bills Advance
The Wisconsin State Assembly unanimously passed Assembly Bill 250 on Tuesday, October 27. Senate Bill 208 has been referred to the Joint Committee on Finance. Scroll down for more information on these bills. The American Kennel Club will continue to monitor this legislation and provide updates as they become available. The Wisconsin Legislature is scheduled […] | October 29, 2009
Las Vegas to Consider Mandatory Spay/Neuter Ordinance
The committee designated by the Las Vegas City Council to review a proposed mandatory spay/neuter ordinance will hold its first meeting on November 3rd. It is vital that concerned fanciers and responsible dog owners and breeders become involved with these proceedings. The proposed ordinance is burdensome, overly restrictive and will significantly increase burdens on responsible […] | October 26, 2009
UPDATE: New Orleans to Consider MSN & Breeding Limits
UPDATE:  New Orleans City Council MSN Vote Scheduled for November 5 The AKC has confirmed that the New Orleans City Council has delayed the vote on the mandatory spay/neuter proposal until Thursday, November 5.  It is imperative that dog owners in the New Orleans area use the next few weeks to continue contacting the city […] | October 16, 2009
CA Assembly Bill 241 Vetoed by Governor
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed Assembly Bill 241 which would have prohibited any person or entity from having 50 or more intact dogs or cats. He returned the bill with the following veto message:   To the Members of the California State Assembly: I am returning Assembly Bill 241 without my signature. This measure […] | October 12, 2009

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