Your Member of Congress Sponsored Arbitrary Breeding Restrictions Last Year. Respectfully Ask Them to Stop.
We are reaching out to you because your representative in the U.S. Congress sponsored the Puppy Protection Act last year. This bill to restrict dog breeding has been re-introduced in Congress again this year. Your action is urgently needed to contact your member of Congress and respectfully ask them to not sponsor or support the […]
| April 4, 2023
Kentucky’s 2023 Legislative Session Ends with Positive Results for Dogs
The 2023 Kentucky legislative session ended with positive results for dogs, working K9s, and dog owners. The American Kennel Club Government Relations team (AKC GR) thanks AKC club members, dog owners, sportsmen, and every individual who contacted lawmakers about legislation that affects the dogs we love. Bills Opposed by AKC GR: HB 321 attempted to problematically […]
| April 4, 2023
CT Update: Bills Held by Joint Judiciary Committee
On Friday, at the last meeting of the Connecticut General Assembly Joint Committee on the Judiciary, the committee held back on two bills impacting animal welfare. SB 1060, would amend current law that allows the court to appoint lawyers or law students to represent dogs and cats in proceedings concerning their welfare or custody by […]
| April 4, 2023
US Congress: Proposed Breeder Restrictions Could Impact You. Tell Congress to Oppose
Arbitrary federal legislation to restrict the activities of dogs breeders has been re-introduced in Congress. Though labeled as commercial breeding regulations, the one-size-fits-all requirements can also apply to small hobby breeders. Your action is urgently needed to stop the animal-rights supported Puppy Protection Act (H.R. 1624) and to protect the rights of responsible dog breeders […]
| April 4, 2023
Delaware Update: Reporting Animal Abuse, Regulating Barking Dogs, and Naming a State Dog
This week, Delaware legislative committees are considering bills regarding animal cruelty reporting and naming the rescue dog as the official state dog. In addition, while the hearing has not been rescheduled, legislators are still deliberating a bill that would regulate dog barking statewide. Below are the latest updates, along with information on how to comment: […]
| April 3, 2023
Massachusetts’ Joint Judiciary Committee Considers Dog-Related Bills Next Week
At its upcoming hearing on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, from 1PM – 5PM, the Massachusetts Joint Judiciary Committee will consider multiple dog-related bills . The American Kennel Club (AKC) supports two, requests amendments to four, and opposes three of the proposals. The full agenda with links to bill text can be viewed here. AKC encourages […]
| March 31, 2023
South Carolina: Animal Forfeiture Bill Continues to Advance. Your Action Is Urgently Needed!
A bill that tramples the rights of animal owners in South Carolina continues to advance. Under House Bill 3682 and Senate Bill 456, an innocent owner could have their animals confiscated based solely on an accusation, and would permanently forfeit ownership of the animals if unable to pay in advance for all costs of seizing […]
| March 31, 2023
Washington: Ask Committee to Support Bill Tomorrow (3/31) Protecting Pets and Owners During Extreme Weather
On Friday, March 31, a Washington State Senate committee will consider a bill that would protect owners and pets by providing emergency shelter accommodations during extreme weather situations. The bill has already passed the House of Representatives and is nearing the finish line, but your support is needed. Washington state residents are encouraged to support […]
| March 30, 2023
Texas Senate Bill Regulating Hobbyists Heard Yesterday, Continued Action Requested
Senate Bill 876 was heard yesterday in the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice. The bill was left pending in the committee after several senators expressed concern and urged the sponsor to work with AKC to find some common ground. A staff member from the AKC GR team attended the hearing and testified against the bill. […]
| March 29, 2023
Delaware Update: Hearing to Consider Regulating Barking Dogs Postponed
AKC Government Relations has just learned that Delaware House Bill 84 regulating barking dogs will not be considered in today’s committee meeting. As introduced, the bill would prohibit dogs from barking more than 15 continuous minutes, or more than 30 minutes total in a day. AKC has been in contact with the sponsor, who has […]
| March 29, 2023