Texas: Contact Dallas City Council to Oppose Pet Store Ordinance
The Dallas City Council will consider an ordinance on Wednesday, May 11, to prohibit pet stores from sourcing dogs from licensed breeders. This ordinance will limit pet choice and consumer protections for Dallas area families seeking a dog that fits their needs and lifestyle. Retail pet sales bans/restrictions limit consumer protections and choice, while doing […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/texas-contact-dallas-city-council-oppose-pet-store-ordinance/ | May 6, 2022
New York: Bill Limiting Pet Choice, Breed Rescue Advancing – Contact Your State Senator
Today the New York Senate Agriculture Committee passed a bill which will prohibit retail pet stores from selling any dogs or cats.  Instead, they would only be allowed to “showcase” animals available for adoption from a shelter, rescue, or adoption agency that has no affiliation with breeders. Senate Bill 1130 now goes to the full […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/new-york-bill-limiting-pet-choice-breed-rescue-advancing-contact-state-senator/ | May 3, 2022
VT Alert: ACT NOW to Ensure That Domestic Animal Protections Advance
Today, the Vermont Senate attached domestic animal welfare protections to HB 729 (see below) and passed the amended bill.  It is now scheduled to be reviewed by the House Judiciary Committee today, at 1:15 PM. This action was taken because amended Vermont Senate Bill 155, which would establish a public safety agency and provide administrative […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/vt-alert-act-now-ensure-domestic-animal-protections-advance/ | May 3, 2022
Montgomery AL Update: Vote on Problematic Animal Ordinance on Agenda TOMORROW, 5/3/22
As previously reported, a problematic animal ordinance is under consideration by the Montgomery City Council. It is on the agenda for a vote tomorrow, May 3, 2022. Concerned animal owners in Montgomery are urged to immediately contact city council members to state their continued opposition.  Certain provisions of the proposed ordinance have been amended, and […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/montgomery-al-update-vote-problematic-animal-ordinance-agenda-tomorrow-5-3-22/ | May 2, 2022
Delaware: Committee to Consider Non-Economic Damages Bills on Wednesday – Act Now!
On Wednesday, May 4, at 1:00 pm the Delaware Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on a bill that would allow a person to receive damages for both the veterinarian cost and care of a pet as well as damages for mental distress or emotional harm caused by the injury or death of a […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/delaware-committee-consider-non-economic-damages-bills-wednesday-act-now/ | May 2, 2022
Arizona: Ask Governor to Support Bill Regarding Microchipping, Lost Dog Recovery
The Arizona Legislature has passed a bill that will help identify lost dogs and hopefully reunite them more quickly with their owners. Arizonans are encouraged to contact Governor Ducey and ask him to sign House Bill 2626.  Let him know this is a reasonable bill that will helps dogs and dog owners in the state.  […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/arizona-ask-governor-support-bill-regarding-microchipping-lost-dog-recovery/ | May 2, 2022
New York: Senate Committee Considering Limiting Pet Choice, Breeder Rescue on Tuesday
On Tuesday, May 3, the New York Senate Agriculture Committee will consider a bill which will prohibit retail pet stores from selling any dogs or cats.  Instead, they would only be allowed to “showcase” animals available for adoption from a shelter, rescue, or adoption agency that has no affiliation with breeders. Senate Bill 1130 previously […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/new-york-senate-committee-considering-limiting-pet-choice-breeder-rescue-tuesday/ | April 29, 2022
NH Update: House Committee Addresses Concerns in Senate Bill Regarding Pet Vendor Licenses
On April 12 and April 26, the New Hampshire House Environment and Agriculture Committee (Committee) accepted oral testimony on SB 368, as amended, regarding pet vendor license penalties.  At the hearings, both the American Kennel Club (AKC) and the New Hampshire Dog Owners of the Granite State (NH DOGS) expressed significant concerns with the version […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/nh-update-house-committee-addresses-concerns-senate-bill-regarding-pet-vendor-licenses/ | April 28, 2022
CT Update: Bill Creating Workgroup to Discuss Kennel and Dog License Changes Passes House
The American Kennel Club (AKC) is pleased to report that amended Connecticut House Bill 5295 was passed by the House of Representatives on Wednesday, April 27.  Among other provisions, the bill would require the Department of Agriculture to convene a working group to help develop a plan to create a state-wide online dog licensing portal.  […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/ct-update-bill-creating-workgroup-discuss-kennel-dog-license-changes-passes-house/ | April 28, 2022
CA: “Rights” Officially Removed from “Dog and Cat Bill of Rights” – Please Thank the Author and Chairman
California Assembly Bill 1881 has officially been amended by the Assembly Business and Professions Committee to remove the word “rights”.  The bill now goes to the Assembly Appropriations Committee. While AKC did not get every amendment we requested, we are grateful to the author for agreeing to this compromise and addressing our primary and most […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/ca-rights-officially-removed-dog-cat-bill-rights-please-thank-author-chairman/ | April 28, 2022

Showing 601-610 of 2,553 results