little dog in the airline cargo pet carrier, at the airport after a long journey
Breaking News: CDC To Suspend Importation of Dogs from Countries Classified as High Risk for Rabies
Today, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the temporary suspension of the importation of dogs from countries classified as high risk for canine rabies.  This suspension will also apply to dogs arriving from countries not considered a high risk if the dogs have been in a high-risk country during the […] | June 14, 2021
NJ Alert: Bills Impacting Large Dogs, Care After Seizure Up for Hearing on Tuesday, June 15 – Comment Today
Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 15, the New Jersey Senate Environment and Energy Committee is scheduled to consider two dog-related bills.  New Jersey residents are encouraged to contact the members of the committee and respectfully share their concerns. Senate Bill 3607 As introduced, S.3607, dubbed the “Responsible Dog Ownership Act”, seeks to establish new dog related rules, […] | June 14, 2021
New York Success: Insurance Breed Protection Approved, Negative Dog Bills Held
Early this morning, the New York Legislature wrapped up its 2021 session with numerous significant successes for New York dog owners. We thank the Associated Dog Clubs of New York State and the many New York club members who joined AKC Government Relations in reaching out to lawmakers.  The joint efforts led to the following […] | June 11, 2021
NJ Action Alert: Committee to Hear Dog-Related Bills on Monday, June 14 – Request Amendments Now!
On Monday, June 14, the New Jersey Assembly Agriculture Committee will consider three dog-related bills.  It is imperative that American Kennel Club (AKC)-affiliated clubs in New Jersey, and breeders, owners, and performance dog enthusiasts, contact the members of the New Jersey Assembly Agriculture Committee and respectfully urge them to amend A.1365 and amend S.1258/A.2319. AMEND […] | June 11, 2021
Illinois: Ask Governor to Veto Pet Choice, Breed Rescue Restrictions
The Illinois governor is getting significant pressure from animal rights groups to sign a ban on the retail sale of pets. HB 1711 would restrict pet choice and consumer protection. It also implies that breeders should not be involved in rescue efforts.  It is essential that his office hear from Illinois clubs and breed rescues […] | June 8, 2021
New York: Ask Your State Senator to Support Ban on Insurance Breed Discrimination
New York dog owners are encouraged to call their State Senator TODAY in support of a bill that would prohibit homeowner’s insurance providers from refusing or cancelling coverage or increasing premiums based solely on the breed of dog owned by the policy holder. Summary: Senate Bill 4254 is identical to Assembly Bill 4075, and both […] | June 7, 2021
Nevada: Governor Signs Bill Protecting Dog Owners from Insurance Breed Discrimination
The Governor of Nevada has signed Senate Bill 103 into law,  which prohibits homeowner’s, renter’s, and mobile home insurance or vehicle umbrella insurance providers from refusing or cancelling coverage or increasing premiums based solely on the breed of dog owned by the policy holder. The bill does allow for insurance companies to take these actions […] | June 4, 2021
Illinois: Animal Advocates Bill Held, Other Dog Bills Advance As Session Winds Down
The Illinois General Assembly has wrapped up the majority of its work for the year and remains in recess until an agreement is reached on some non-dog-related policy issues.  This has been a very active year for canine legislation in the state, and AKC worked with the Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs and Owners (IFDCO) […] | June 4, 2021
Nebraska: Governor Signs Bill Providing COVID-19 Liability Protection
The Nebraska Governor has signed a law that would provide some COVID liability protections in the state. AKC GR encouraged clubs to support LB 139 and LB 52 as introduced, which both addressed the issue of COVID liability. As amended by the Nebraska Legislature, LB 139 states in part that no person may seek recovery […] | June 3, 2021
Wrap Up for a Successful Texas 2021 Legislative Session
On Monday, May 30, the 87th Session of the Texas legislature adjourned sine die. The Texas legislature considered many issues related to canine policy this session, and the American Kennel Club (AKC) is pleased to consider 2021 a success for responsible dog breeders and owners in Texas. Overly Expansive Breeder Regulation Not Considered In June […] | June 2, 2021

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