NY Senate Passes Debarking Ban – Call the Assembly Today!
Yesterday, due to some late procedural moves, the New York Senate passed a statewide ban on “debarking” – a veterinary practice also known as bark softening – unless it is medically necessary to treat an injury, illness, or congenital defect. The bill now goes to the Assembly, where it has been assigned to the Assembly […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/ny-senate-passes-debarking-ban-call-assembly-today/ | June 2, 2022
Michigan: Bills Impacting Dog Ownership Rights to Be Considered June 14
A Michigan Senate committee has scheduled a hearing for June 14 on two bills (House Bills 4703 and 4704) that address the issue of animals being seized on cruelty charges, and the payment of their care during impoundment.  As currently written, these bills could cause a person to permanently forfeit their animals even if they […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/michigan-bills-impacting-dog-ownership-rights-considered-june-14/ | June 2, 2022
VT Update: Provision Ensuring Domestic Animal Welfare Signed by Governor Scott!
Vermont Governor Phil Scott has signed into law an amended H. 729!  In support of this effort, the American Kennel Club (AKC) issued multiple alerts to ensure the development of a plan for the unification and improvement of state administrative functions relating to domestic animal welfare protections.  One priority goal of the new law is […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/vt-update-provision-ensuring-domestic-animal-welfare-signed-governor-scott/ | June 1, 2022
RI Alert: Express Support Now for Bill Protecting Police K9s, Hearing This Week
On Thursday, June 2, the Rhode Island Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a public hearing on multiple bills, including amended H.7021, which would allow emergency care and transportation for a police dog injured in the line of duty.  The bill was voted favorably by the Rhode Island House of Representatives on May 3, and includes […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/ri-alert-express-support-now-bill-protecting-police-k9s-hearing-week/ | May 31, 2022
California Update: Bills Impacting Dog Owners
AKC continues to monitor several bills impacting dog owners in California.  Friday, May 27, was the deadline for bills to pass the chamber where they were introduced.  Below are the latest updates, along with contact information if you wish to comment on any of these measures. AKC GR will continue to provide individual updates and […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/california-update-bills-impacting-dog-owners-3/ | May 31, 2022
New York: Bills Restricting “Debarking”, Pet Choice Still Pending – Call Today!
The New York General Assembly is heading into what is likely the last week of session for the year.  While most bills impacting dog owners are no longer moving this year, bills that would essentially ban the veterinary practice of bark softening (“debarking”) and significantly restrict pet choice and breed rescue are still moving. New […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/new-york-bills-restricting-debarking-pet-choice-still-pending-call-today/ | May 31, 2022
Breaking Regulatory Update: CDC Extends Import Restrictions, Allows More Imports
In an early release of a June 1 notice, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced an extension and modification of the July 2021 temporary suspension of the importation of dogs from countries classified as high risk for canine rabies.  Based on improvements in its ability to track and monitor […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/breaking-regulatory-update-cdc-extends-import-restrictions-allows-imports/ | May 27, 2022
California Update: Training Disclosure Bill Scheduled for June 13 Hearing
A California Senate committee has scheduled a June 13 hearing on a bill regarding disclosures for dog trainers.  Assembly Bill 1901 contains numerous amendments requested by the AKC and California clubs. Those who wish to reach out to the Senate Business, Professions, and Economic Development Committee regarding AB 1901 may do so by submitting a […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/california-update-training-disclosure-bill-scheduled-june-13-hearing/ | May 27, 2022
Arizona: Governor Signs Two Bills Benefitting Dogs, Dog Owners – Thank the Bill Sponsor!
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey has signed two bills that will have a positive impact on Arizona dog owners. Arizona residents are encouraged to contact State Representative John Kavanagh (Dist. 23- Fountain Hills) and thank him for his sponsorship and leadership of both House Bill 2323 and House Bill 2626: Phone: (602) 926-5170 Email: jkavanagh@azleg.gov When […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/arizona-governor-signs-two-bills-benefitting-dogs-dog-owners-thank-bill-sponsor/ | May 25, 2022
New York Assembly to Likely Vote on Bill Limiting Pet Choice, Breed Rescue TODAY – Call Now!
The New York Assembly is expected to vote today on a bill that will prohibit retail pet stores from selling any dogs or cats.  Instead, these stores would only be allowed to “showcase” animals available for adoption from a shelter, rescue, or adoption agency that has no affiliation with breeders. All who breed and sell […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/new-york-assembly-likely-vote-bill-limiting-pet-choice-breed-rescue-today-call-now/ | May 24, 2022

Showing 591-600 of 2,572 results