San Antonio Update: City Council to Consider Animal Ordinances Changes This Week (Updated Contact Info Included)
The San Antonio City Council is scheduled to consider changes to the city’s animal ordinances at its meeting this Thursday, October 29, 2020.  The meeting is scheduled to begin at 9AM. As previously reported, the ordinance seeks to further limit breeding and restrict pet stores to sourcing dogs and cats only from an animal rescue […] | October 27, 2020
Aiken County, SC: Proposed Ordinance Includes Unlimited Inspections of Any Private Home Due to a Barking Dog Issue—on Agenda Tomorrow, 10/20/20
A revised proposed animal ordinance is on the Aiken County Council agenda for Tuesday, October 20, 2020.  The proposal could be discussed tomorrow and/or at a future county council meeting. Among other requirements, the revised ordinance seeks to require registration with the county as an offender by any person convicted of a dangerous dog violation […] | October 19, 2020
Update: Marshfield, MA Town Vote on Breeder Licenses Postponed – Vote “No” on Article 1 to Support Healthy Dogs and Protect Consumers
Tonight, October 19, at 7:00pm, residents in Marshfield, Massachusetts, will be asked at a special town meeting to vote on two of three proposed dog ordinances, Articles 1, 2 and 3.  We are grateful that after the American Kennel Club’s (AKC’s) initial legislative alert and subsequent contacts were made with town officials, Article 3 regarding […] | October 19, 2020
Michigan: COVID Liability Bill Heading to Governor
The Michigan Legislature has passed a bill relating to protecting various groups, industries, and people from liability for claims relating to exposure to COVID-19.  It will likely be transmitted to the governor very soon as part of a package of liability bills relating to several different entities.  All bills in the package must be signed […] | October 16, 2020
Texas Info: Legislature Required Updates to State-Licensed Dog Breeders Rules Proposed
Last year, Texas Governor Abbott signed SB 1531 into law, which added pleas of “no contest” to animal cruelty charges as a ground for denying or refusing to renew a breeder license. Today, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) proposed amendments to the state’s Dog or Cat Breeders Act regulations to implement SB […] | October 16, 2020
San Antonio City Council to Consider Limits on Sellers Permits and Sourcing Restrictions for Pet Stores
The San Antonio City Council is expected to consider a new animal ordinance that seeks to further limit breeding and restrict pet stores to sourcing dogs and cats only from an animal rescue organization, an animal control agency, or a county animal shelter licensed by the city. Currently, Sec. 5-106 of the city’s ordinances requires […] | October 15, 2020
Texas Info: Next Licensed Breeders Advisory Committee Meeting Scheduled for November 30
The next meeting of Texas’ Licensed Breeders Advisory Committee is scheduled for Monday, November 30, 2020, at 10AM.  The meeting will be held via video conference and will be broadcast live on the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation’s YouTube channel. Please note that the agenda and staff reports to be considered are currently unavailable, […] | October 12, 2020
NJ: Support Bill to Make Animal Trunk Fighting a Felony Offense
New Jersey Senate Bill 975, which seeks to establish animal trunk fighting as an animal cruelty offense, is scheduled for consideration by the Senate Environment and Energy Committee on Monday, October 19, 2020.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) supports S.975, and encourages all concerned responsible dog owners in New Jersey to contact the members of […] | October 12, 2020
Marshfield, MA Action Alert: Town to Vote on Requiring Breeder Licenses and Restricting Breed Rescue and Retail Sales!
On Monday, October 19, at 7:00pm, residents in Marshfield, Massachusetts, will be asked at a special town meeting to vote on three proposed dog ordinances, Articles 1, 2 and 3.  These articles are extremely problematic because combined, they hamstring local breeding programs in favor of importing strays to meet consumers’ high demand for dogs.  New […] | October 8, 2020
Barrow County, GA: Commissioners Consider Designating 12-15 Dog Breeds as Dangerous; Activists Discuss Additional Dog Owner/Breeder Restrictions
Changes to the county animal ordinance, including discussion of a proposal to declare numerous dog breeds as dangerous, were presented at the Barrow County Board of Commissioners meeting on September 22, 2020.  The county manager recommended that 12-15 breeds be designated as dangerous. TAKE ACTION TODAY.  Barrow County residents are urged to immediately contact their […] | October 6, 2020

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