CA AB 1634 Vote ‘ON CALL ‘
This morning, California Assembly Bill 1634 was considered by the California State Senate. After an initial vote of five in favor and 18 opposed, the bill was put "on call." Because the bill's floor manager, Sen. Padilla, did not have votes to pass the bill, this legislative procedure allows the leadership to call this bill […] | August 22, 2008
UPDATE: CA 1634 Sent to Reconsideration
This morning, California Assembly Bill 1634 was considered by the California State Senate. After an initial vote of five in favor and 18 opposed, the bill was put "on call." Because the bill's floor manager, Sen. Padilla, did not have votes to pass the bill, this legislative procedure allowed the leadership to call this bill […] | August 22, 2008
AKC URGENT ALERT: CA AB 1634 to Change – AKC Vigorously Opposes!
Late yesterday we received a proposed 12th amendment to the wording of CA AB 1634 which Lloyd Levine's staff presented to our lobbyist. Also, we understand that Mr. Levine attempted to amend his bill in the Senate, in spite of the fact that he had assured the AKC through our lobbyist that the bill was […] | August 21, 2008
AB 1634 Frequently Asked Questions
The American Kennel Club would like to answer some specific concerns that people have raised with regard to the new version of California Assembly Bill 1634. We would also like to encourage people to read the bill closely as it has been changed dramatically in the last few weeks. Please click here to read the […] | August 15, 2008
CA AB 1634 Amended Again
California Assembly Bill 1634, now known as the "California Responsible Pet Ownership Act," has been radically amended. The bill is now a responsible dog ownership act and addresses two major issues resulting from irresponsible dog ownership - dogs that are found roaming and dogs that are not licensed.  Existing California state law already requires all […] | August 14, 2008
CA AB 1634 Officially Amended
Amendments to California Assembly Bill 1634, as made by the Senate Appropriations Committee, appeared in print today after several weeks of delay due to the legislative recess.  Now that the Senators have returned to Sacramento, work on bills has resumed.  Quick movement on bills is expected as the state constitution requires that all bills be […] | August 6, 2008
Chicago Ordinance Update
Yesterday, a vote by the Chicago City Council's Finance Committee, in consideration of a proposed mandatory spay/neuter ordinance, was put off by committee chairman Alderman Ed Burke.  After several hours of testimony, Alderman Burke delayed a vote to allow more testimony to be heard.  No new hearing date has been set. AKC's Government Relations Department […] | July 30, 2008
URGENT: Chicago City Council to Consider Mandatory Spay/Neuter; IKC Spokesperson to Speak at Hearing
The Chicago City Council Committee on Finance will hold a joint hearing with the Committee on License and Consumer Protection on Tuesday July 29th to discuss a mandatory spay/neuter ordinance. It is vital that responsible dog owners and breeders attend the hearing to oppose this measure.   AKC Opposes Proposed Mandatory Spay and Neuter Ordinance […] | July 29, 2008
AKC Continues to Oppose AB 1634, Your Help Needed!
It has come to the attention of the Government Relations department that there has been some misinformation circulating that AKC has changed our position on AB 1634. The American Kennel Club remains firmly opposed to California Assembly Bill 1634 and we need your help to convince the California State Senate to stop this ineffective and […] | July 25, 2008
CA AB 1634 Proceeds to Senate Floor, Opposition Needed
The Senate Appropriations Committee has determined that AB 1634 does not have a fiscal impact. Senate Rule 28.8 allows bills that do not have a cost to the state to be submitted directly to the floor. This determination was partly based on amendments offered by the author which remove Section 5 from the bill. This […] | July 21, 2008

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