Utah Seeks to Define “Commercial Breeder” as Anyone with Six Dogs
Utah House Bill 132 will define a commercial breeder as “a person who for a fee or other consideration; maintains in a kennel at any time six or more dogs for breeding or six or more cats for breeding and sells, leases, trades, barters, auctions, or provides to another person the offspring of those dogs […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/utah-commerical-breeder/ | February 4, 2016
Wisconsin Senate to Consider Bill TOMORROW (2/4) to Make it Harder to Reclaim Pets
A Wisconsin Senate committee is scheduled to consider a bill TOMORROW (Thursday, February 4) that is identical to the Assembly bill making it more difficult to reclaim lost dogs, or dogs seized on suspicion of a violation of a state animal law.  Changes of concern in the bill include: Shortening the time in which an […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/wi-senate-sb-450-hearing/ | February 3, 2016
NJ Action Needed: Hearing Monday on Radical Bill to Repeal Consumer Protections & Limit Pet Choice
Wednesday, February 03, 2016 On Monday, February 8, 2016, the New Jersey Senate Economic Growth Committee will consider Senate Bill 63.  The bill repeals consumer protection laws for pet purchasers, prohibits the sale of dogs unless the transactions are conducted face-to-face, and requires pet shops to sell dogs sourced only from shelters and pounds.  Because […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/new-jersey-senate-bill-63-february-3-alert/ | February 3, 2016
Kansas: House Committee to Consider Expanded Breeder/Rescue Inspections & Regulations on Feb 3
The Kansas House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources is considering a bill this Wednesday, February 3, that will expand who must be regulated under the state’s breeder laws. The bill will also create new requirements for those who are involved in rescue and those who keep at least 4 dogs during any week for […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/kansas-hb2254-house-hearing/ | February 1, 2016
Iowa Considering Unreasonable New Regulation of Dog Owners, Groomers, Breeders and Rescues
Iowa already has some of the most restrictive breeder regulation in the nation.  Nevertheless, legislation has once again been introduced to expand the state’s regulation of dog breeders, hobbyists, fanciers, groomers, and rescues and require them to pay significant license fees.  Proposals are currently pending in both the Iowa House and Senate.  Iowa dog owners, […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/iowa-considering-breeder-regulations/ | February 1, 2016
Augusta-Richmond Co., GA: Council Votes Tomorrow on Mandatory Spay/Neuter of All Impounded Pets
The Augusta-Richmond County Commission is scheduled to vote tomorrow on a proposed ordinance that would require spay/neuter for all impounded dogs and cats, regardless of the circumstances, and would enact additional problematic amendments to the city/ county animal ordinance. Concerned animal owners are urged to immediately contact commission members and respectfully ask them to VOTE […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/augusta-ga-mandatory-spay-neuter-impoundment/ | February 1, 2016
Ask Maryland Committee to Support Bill Protecting Service Dogs and Owners
A Maryland Senate Committee is scheduled to consider a bill on February 11 that will provide further protections for owners of service animals.  Senate Bill 264 creates two new provisions that would protect service dogs and their owners.  It amends the crime of aggravated cruelty to state that a person may not intentionally inflict bodily […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/md-sb264-protects-service-dogs/ | January 28, 2016
NY Assembly Passes Debarking Ban, Contact the Senate
The NY Assembly has passed a ban on “debarking” and now the bill goes to the Senate Agriculture Committee. The AKC opposes A1679, which would restrict the rights of responsible dog owners to make viable, safe decisions on behalf of their pets in conjunction with their veterinarians.  Last year, the bill never received a hearing […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/ny-assembly-passes-debarking-ban/ | January 27, 2016
Wisconsin Bill Making Reclaiming of Pets More Difficult Continues to Advance, Contact the Assembly
A Wisconsin bill that will make it more difficult for owners to reclaim their pets continues to advance. Those who reside or participate in dog events in Wisconsin are strongly encouraged to contact the Assembly and express your concerns with AB 487 as currently written. Visit AKC’s Legislative Action Center and type your address in […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/wisconsin-ab487-assembly-vote/ | January 27, 2016
San Marcos, CA to Define and Regulate Hobby Breeders, Restrict Pet Ownership – TOMORROW, 1/26
The AKC Government Relations team has just become aware that the San Marcos City Council will consider a proposed ordinance which will define hobby breeders, limiting them to only three “breeding dogs, cats and/or rabbits.” It is unclear how a breeding dog, cat or rabbit would be identified and what would happen to resident breeders […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/san-marcos-ca-regulate-breeders-restrict-pet-ownership/ | January 25, 2016

Showing 1,801-1,810 of 2,564 results