NH Update: Bills Negatively Impacting Hunting Dogs Fail in Committees
This week, two New Hampshire House Committees voted down HB 1308 and HB 1310, bills negatively impacting hunting dogs that the American Kennel Club (AKC) actively opposed.  The near unanimous rejection of these bills sends a strong message of continued support for training hunting dogs, hosting field trials, and engaging in canine sporting activities in […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/nh-update-bills-negatively-impacting-hunting-dogs-fail-committees/ | January 28, 2022
Illinois: Bills Impacting Animal Ownership, Other Dog Issues to be Considered on Tuesday (2/1)
Bills impacting animal ownership, basic animal care, and service animals will be considered in Illinois on Tuesday, February 1. Those who live or participate in events in Illinois are strongly encouraged to contact the House Judiciary-Criminal Committee using the information below, and also to create witness slips prior to the hearing by clicking on this […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/illinois-bills-impacting-animal-ownership-dog-issues-considered-tuesday-2-1/ | January 28, 2022
Virginia: Senate Subcommittee to Consider Pet Shop Spay/Neuter Bill Tomorrow (1/27)
The Virginia Senate Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources Committee’s (ACNR) Companion Animal Subcommittee is scheduled to consider a bill at its 9:00am meeting tomorrow (Thursday, January 27, 2022) that would prohibit a pet shop from selling a dog or cat unless it has first been spayed or neutered. Senate Bill 89 would amend existing Code […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/virginia-senate-subcommittee-consider-pet-shop-spay-neuter-bill-tomorrow-1-27/ | January 26, 2022
Missouri Update: Ask Committee to Not Support Spay/Neuter Amendments to Positive BSL Bills
The Missouri House Local Government Committee is scheduled to consider two bills on Thursday, January 27, that would prohibit local municipalities from enacting breed-specific laws in the state. As introduced, AKC strongly supports these bills, as stated in our previous alert. There is discussion, however, that amendments may be proposed that would place significant restrictions […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/missouri-update-ask-committee-not-support-spay-neuter-amendments-positive-bsl-bills/ | January 25, 2022
Virginia Information: House Agriculture Sub Committee to Consider Two Dog Bills Tomorrow (1/26)
The Virginia House Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources Committee’s (ACNR) Agriculture Subcommittee is scheduled to consider two bills at its 4:00pm meeting tomorrow (Wednesday, January 26, 2022) that have the potential to impact some dog owners. Those wishing to submit comments to the ACNR Agriculture Subcommittee may do so by Noon tomorrow, January 26, 2022 […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/virginia-information-house-agriculture-sub-committee-consider-two-dog-bills-tomorrow-1-26/ | January 25, 2022
Rhode Island Alert: House Judiciary to Hear Bills Affecting Dog Owners Tomorrow, January 25
Tomorrow, January 25, 2022, the Rhode Island House Judiciary Committee is accepting testimony on multiple bills impacting dog owners (agenda).  Text of bills impacting dog owners are embedded in the links below.  AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) encourages Rhode Island residents to express opposition as follows: ANIMAL ABUSER REGISTRY ACT – H. 6624 would establish […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/rhode-island-alert-house-judiciary-hear-bills-affecting-dog-owners-tomorrow-january-25/ | January 24, 2022
NH Alert: Multiple Bill Hearings Concerning to Dog Owners Scheduled Next Week
Next week, the New Hampshire House Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety will hear public testimony on bills the American Kennel Club (AKC) believes are well-intentioned, but concerning as currently written. SERIOUS CONCERN:  HB 1310 would prohibit hunters from discharging a firearm in the direction of a building, livestock, or pets within their eyesight. […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/nh-alert-multiple-bill-hearings-concerning-dog-owners-scheduled-next-week/ | January 21, 2022
Missouri: Ask Committee to Support Bills Banning Breed-Specific Laws
The Missouri House Local Government Committee is scheduled to consider two bills on Thursday, January 27, that would prohibit local municipalities from enacting breed-specific laws in the state. Those who reside or participate in dog events in the state are encouraged to contact the committee members and express your support for these bills.  Let them […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/missouri-ask-committee-support-bills-banning-breed-specific-laws/ | January 21, 2022
NH Alert: January 25th Committee Vote on Bill Banning Training of Hunting Dogs and Field Trials
On Tuesday, January 25, 2022, the New Hampshire House Fish and Game and Marine Resources Committee will discuss and vote on House Bill 1308, which seeks to ban the capture, possession, and propagation of hares and rabbits for hunting dog training and field trials.  At the committee’s public hearing on January 14, The American Kennel […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/nh-update-january-25th-committee-vote-bill-banning-training-hunting-dogs-field-trials/ | January 19, 2022
Florida: Updates and Advocacy Opportunities for Bills that Affect Dog Owners
Several Florida bills that potentially impact dogs and dog owners are under consideration in the state legislature. These include:  Care for Retired Police K9s: AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) continues to support legislation that would establish a program to provide care for retired law enforcement dogs.  HB 25 is on the agenda of the House Criminal […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/florida-updates-advocacy-opportunities-bills-affect-dog-owners/ | January 14, 2022

Showing 741-750 of 2,570 results